Tuesday 22 February 2011

Annnnd we're back to freezing...

I got to the stables this morning and heard nothing. Unusual, given we're right by a usually gushing river. One look confirmed it had frozen overnight. Then I realised I somehow forgot to put jodphurs over my tights. So it was going to be one of THOSE days, was it.

Well, it wasn't. While it WAS quite cold (definitely below zero as everything has started to freeze if sitting outside, including ourselves), we did a fair bit indoors and also didn't ride for too long in the morning. So it was bearable.

Riding was interesting, though, given that we took the camels out for a run, then left them to get new horses and when we came back to take them home, failed to count them. This meant that, on the home stretch, I happened to hear a crashing through the bush on the other side of the fence, and poor old Sky was trying desperately to get to us.

So we put the others away and went back up to get him. One narrow escape from L's horse (she was on Creo today and me back on Barack, who was being quite well behaved), who she accidentally stepped over a broken piece of fencing - this girl must attract accidents, I swear haha - and we were back safe n sound with Sky up front bolting towards his clove-footed friends.

We were then given instructions on how to do some menial task for the factory, "a great help" according to G but no real surprise for me - she is gonna milk this last week with us all she can. While she didn't push us to do much of that work, we did get some done in the afternoon - AFTER A REST - and even managed to enjoy the dullness of it thanks to L's random iPod shuffle. One minute Finnish metal and jazz standards, the next Eye of the Tiger and Dude Looks Like a Lady. Brilliant.

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