Tuesday, 30 November 2010


Two days in and I am relaxed. Sober but relaxed. I have a feeling this will be another unintentional detox stint but I guess it's all for the greater good. Today I rode shortly on G's beloved horse and got good feedback, so I'll be able to ride her again whenever I want. Maybe do some training as well. Speaking of, in the afternoon I worked with J to work her 2 horses in the little indoor arena they have.

It's still friggin freezing here. I have to put on my warmest jacket, thick gardening gloves, a scarf, my thick head scarf, thick socks and boots before venturing outside. It was sprinkling with snow earlier today and while that was actually quite pretty, it's still so DAMN COLD. I forgot that some parts of the world get this cold. Why aren't I helping in Tenerife or something??? At least I'm not in Munich, where news reports say there has just been a big dumping of snow. Just missed that one - phew!

The horses' water is always almost completely frozen and I have to pick up the shit before it too freezes into the ground. We can't use the outside taps cos that water is all frozen too. Sometimes I am scared to go outside. But then I grow a pair, put another pair on and brave it. Mostly it's not so bad because once I start moving around, I can feel my extremities again and all is well.

I am trying desperately to find a way to get to Bratislava cheaply... at the moment it is not so easy but I am sure I'll work something out. I hope...

German folk songs and spiritual ceremonies

Being allowed a sleep-in on my first day at the new property, I felt a little more rested and ready to prove I was worth the effort it took me to get there! Also feeling a little like I have let them down going to Bratislava after just one week but I need the cash...

I learnt the ropes for how to feed the horses etc, met the lady I will be staying with next door (actually the landlady to the original couple I met) and moved my things over. After a pretty chilled out day catching up on my internet things, J suggested we could ride over to her daughter's kindergarten for a special ceremony they have around Christmas time. So we hopped onto an Icelandic pony each and rode bareback (she doesn't own saddles) to the school.

The ceremony was really sweet, some kind of ritual where they place a spiral shaped wreath-type object in the middle that eventually leads to a candle on a stand. Each little Arian child takes their own unlit candle stuck in an apple and walks through the spiral maze until they get to the candle, they light their own candle and proceed back through the spiral until they find their spot on the wreath to put their candle. When they do this, they get a big gold star from the wreath which was laying where they put the candle. J tells me this is symbolic for going into yourself, then coming out of yourself. All the while the parents and other kids sit on chairs around the outside of the wreath and sing German folk songs, which I tried to sing too but reading German isn´t something I´m too skilled at just yet.

When we rode back in the freezing cold darkness, I was a little nervous because I didn´t know the horse or the road but I survived. At home, I met G´s daughter who also lives where I am staying. They are all lovely and can speak English, but I feel so ignorant not knowing any other languages. These people can all speak several! Oh well, I´ll just keep plugging along...

Driving or low-level flying???

When I woke up on Sunday in Munich, I felt I had had the strangest dream that someone had climbed into my bed uninvited and started trying to hook up with me. The fact I was in a different bunk kinda made me wonder if it was in fact a dream. Then, when all but one of the boys left to get breakfast and I tried not to get up at all, one comment from the remaining boy confirmed it was not in fact a dream. Dammit.

Doing my best to forget it happened at all and not give said boy any impression that it was to be repeated in any way, shape or form - as well as reminding him he actually had a gf - I turned over in my bed and tried to mentally ready myself for checkout. That done (and me having gotten away with not paying anything!!), we went downstairs and threw our bags into the luggage room before heading to a beer hall for a hair of the dog. Took me a little longer to invite any hairs or dogs back in my world but I managed. What a trooper.

At 3pm, I had to meet the lady who my new German host family had arranged to take me to Hamburg in her car. At 3:30pm I was starting to worry - I couldn´t get through to this lady and she apparently already left by the time my host had gotten through to her. Luckily she turned around and picked me up. Hey, it was easy money for her, she had 2 others in the car already!!

I dozed on and off during the 6 hour trip as she cruised at a pleasant 220km/hour down the autobahn. Yes, I admit it, I was shitting myself at first, having never been that fast in a car in my life (even with my dad driving race cars) but eventually fatigue took over any nervous emotion my body cared to throw at me. At least we got there in good time.

I got my ticket to Luneberg at Hamburg train station and managed to jump on the wrong train, so had to break the news to my new hosts that I wouldn´t be at Luneberg til 11:30pm. Oops. Finally got to the house about 12:30am and just collapsed.

Monday, 29 November 2010

Pub crawls and almost-brawls

I arrived in Munich at 5am on Saturday, half an hour before scheduled, and even more worried that this would mean no public transport had started yet. But if there´s one thing I can safely say about the Germans is that they are efficient. And by 5am the trains were indeed running, in fact I don´t know if they ever even stopped!

I made friends with a couple from Tasmania who were traveling through, and we jumped on the train to the city. After some initial wrong turns and some helpful directions from a hot German lady bored at her desk, I finally made it to the hostel I´d booked one of those drunken nights in Bratislava, thinking I´d at least be able to shower n shit before having to check out again.

I had a couple of hours sleep max, woke n showered etc, and wandered to the super expensive internet cafe to get in touch with my mate T who´d come over from Souf London with 3 mates for a city break. After some hiccups in meeting, we finally found each other and pretty much headed to one of the many beer halls for some steins.

His mates happened upon us at one of these pubs and we continued to drink. I was already spacing out in the toilets before we even had dinner so I paced myself and made sure I was OK before heading downstairs at the hostel for the beer crawl. I, at this stage, had had a spare bed put into the boys´ hostel room so I was shacking up with them for the night.

Downstairs, we were told the bar crawl would not be happening because the guide wasn´t coming so I decided I would be the guide. I gathered a bunch of people drinking at the bar - some from England, Scotland, America etc - and we set off to another beer hall. A minor hiccup on the way, however, when one American dickhead said "pub crawls are so lame" or something. And when one of my mates rightly observed it was much more enjoyable than standing outside in his shorts and flip flops smoking a cigarette. To which the American arked up and tried to start a fight.

I, fearing my much-organised efforts for a pub crawl would be wasted if a fight broke out before it even started, got immediately in the face of this wanker and managed to get struck by one of his flailing arms. Crying hurt, I managed to get everyone on my side and rightly label this loser an absolute waste of space, and somehow dragged everyone off to enjoy themselves elsewhere. Phew.

A few more beers, a cab ride, a visit to the Hard Rock Cafe bar and we were back on our way to the hostel bar which by this stage was rammed. I was flitting about here n there, in fine form if I do say so myself, and by night´s end had many of the guys eating out of the palm of my hand. Just when I was starting worry my bruised ego would never repair itself... I love Germany :)

Cute little Kookaburras

Friday arrived along with my fuzzy head and after just one close call in the classroom, I managed to refrain from vomiting the entire day. Word to the wise: do not try to write on the chalkboard when hungover. For something I never realised had a smell, that shit STINKS to high heaven when you´re battling a funny stomach.

We had our presentations to the parents, teachers and some other classes - my kids sang ´Kookaburra sits in an old gum tree´ and told the audience what they learnt in English class - and we gave out the certificates for the English week. My kids did really well, I was well proud and E said he thought my presentation was the best of the 3 classes. Chuffed with that! I was even asked by one of my students if I did private tuition :) And the kid was 9 years old OK, so don´t get any ideas...

After school, we went back to the apartment and the others packed quickly for their train while I chilled out a few hours before going to the bus stop for my ride to Munich. After all, I had to have time to finish cleaning the damn oven!

My bus left at 7:15pm and took 10 hours to get to Munich, via Budapest and Prague. Every time we stopped I had no idea which country I was in or what weather it would be. Well, it´s a given it will be cold, but at some points it was snowing and that just threw me. Imagine not even knowing where in the world you are... very strange situation.

Giving thanks for turkeys and fireworks

So because 2 of us teachers are from the States, come Thursday we had to celebrate a little tradition they like to call Thanksgiving. We ordered a massive turkey - and I mean massive - which didn´t come til after 6pm. And this thing would not be cooked for at least 5 1/2 hours... so what else to do but drink the time away???

Well, I did actually find something else to do. I had organised with some of my students from a previous teaching week to go to town and do some sightseeing, so I met 4 of them while the others went back to the apartment to rest and prepare dinner. The weather was nice n sunny, although still cooooooooooooold, and I got to see the city from the castle hill, the Presidential Palace and some other cool statues.

Luckily, earlier in the day me and the other teachers had found a fireworks store and picked up some supplies before heading home so we had plenty to amuse ourselves with back at the apartment. I bet the neighbours were pleased.

At about midnight, we got sick of waiting and brought the turkey out to eat what was cooked. After devouring some tasty meat, me and teacher with gf were left to our own devices and of course within 5 minutes had let off a firework INSIDE the apartment and had an oil spill from the oven to the kitchen floor. T cleaned the burn marks off the walls and floor, and I was on my knees dealing with the oil. Fun times.

Before I knew it, it was 2:30am and I remembered that I had school the next day. But, thank god, only one more day of it.

Drunken bowling shenanigans

If you knew how drunk we got last Wednesday night and the ensuing teaching week plus hectic weekend in Germany, you would understand why I have not blogged since last Tuesday. Let`s start from the beginning...

Today was pizza day. And my first time at making it with my students. It was probably the most stressful thing I´ve done yet in my short teaching career. I swear I went a little grey before the end of the three periods it took to finally make the damn things. So I was super glad when it was happy fun times at the bowling place that night.

A student and teacher from a previous school came with us (the boss, the other teacher and the boss´ girlfriend) and we firstly played some pool before heading to the bowling lanes. I, as usual, did not wow with my ´skills´ and enjoyed instead getting myself into an increasingly flirty situation with aforementioned teacher. Who also has a gf. Hey, it was allllllllllllllllllll innocent fun.

We had been drinking since school finished at lunch time so by the time we got home it was pretty messy. I finally had my clothes washed by the people who own the apartment we stay in but their version of ´washing´ is just to put the clothes in, turn the machine on and tell us when it had finished. Ha! Fold say what??

Anyway, waking up the next day was a little harder and of course that was the day the kids decided to be total brats. I was over it. Hump day came a bit late for me.

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Rihanna kissed a girl, Miley went buck wild

A quick blog about some of the MTV videos I'm watching. Seriously, what is going on with the world today - I take 6 months out from the music industry and I am lost! Firstly, Rihanna has a video about a girl falling in love with her, then Miley Cyrus is rockin' out with - might I add slightly amazing costumes I would kill to wear in a burlesque routine, like feathered ring rings, AMAZING!!! - much more 'come here and fuck me' attitude than a girl at her age really should have. Come to think of it, she really isn't a girl anymore so maybe I'm the one whose behind the times. But, would somebody please think about the children???! Simpsons quote there, not sure if you got it.

So now I also have to deal with lesbo Rihanna, slutty Miley and Slovak pop. Imagine my excitement. At least I got to laugh at the some of the 'Nitro Circus' shenanigans the Jackass crew get up to.

Oh, and on a final note about MTV film clips... really, really there are too many middle of the road pop songs with good looking girls with no real sense of individuality or spark, just styling and production. I really don't like to pass judgement where it's not necessary, and believe me sometimes it's necessary, but fuck me dead.

Anyway, rant over. I'm out. Where's my beer??

Reality MTV wins over reality

There is something telling about having just 2 channels available to you in English on TV. In my such circumstance, I have CNN and MTV and you would not believe the dignity I sacrifice to prevent having to watch anything remotely meaningful and important. I'll watch fucking Jersey Shore over Ireland going bankrupt. I'm sorry guys but even bad LA boob jobs and ugly guys that think they're all that win over hardhitting news. You seriously want me to think??

I have enuf on my plate having to deal with 3 different classes of kids trying to learn English or get away with not learning it. Today, while I got more hugs and of course more wonderment at my hair, I managed to skive off a couple of lessons in the computer room (everyone do an Australia Quiz yayyyyy!!!) and do some games to make the time go a little quicker. Think I'm doing all right so far.

Things on the recent heartbreaking situation have quietened down for me, as I come to realise that it's probably the best way to have things. This way I still get an awesome, good friend I know I can have good times with and I also am not building up expectations of anything that might not happen, which as a girl I have a tendency to do. This way I am free to enjoy the rest of my time overseas and also have nothing to rush back for, except the little matter of my sister's wedding. Ahem.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

The truth... SUCKS

I am hopeless in relationships. In my life, I have never had a monogomous relationship and indeed found it incredibly hard to sustain even an open relationship. More often than not, I shun the whole experience when I realise I'd rather end it all and remain friends than lose this person forever.

I have several different types. For either sex. But when it comes to guys, my ultimate prime time is the skinny-legged skater boy with a badass sense of humour and a chilled but adventurous spirit. These guys never like me. Well, one New Yorker did that time a few years back while on a business trip, but that never amounted to anything.

Before I left London, I met a guy who strangely enuf matched this criteria and even more strangely seemed to reciprocate my feelings. In an utterly unbelievable circumstance. I was stunned, still am stunned, that I ever felt this reaction from a guy like this but I rolled with it.

Fast forward several months, and several trashy nights out (that's the only night there is with us) and I have several positive hook-ups under my belt as well as some very encouraging remarks to feel pretty much sorted. But everyone can be, and often is, proven wrong.

Last night, this happened to me. As pushy as I get with a few beers under the belt, I finally managed to speak my mind (wasn't much of a push) and found out... he's not interested. I was heartbroken. Drunk and heartbroken. And anyone that knows me knows this ain't a good combo. But, luckily, I seem to be growing up and managed to extract myself from the situation, only wake up a few of my friends needing a shoulder to lean on and write a reasonably reasonable reasoning to said boy the next day.

This reasoning was answered promptly in a sweet manner that comes as no surprise, and I am a little more comfortable with things. Mainly that my initial suspicions of his feelings were not entirely unjust and I'm not completely deluded. Well, I'm a little deluded but not to do with this. I think.

Anyway, so the rollercoaster continues... I am now in Bratislava, via a hideous plane ride to Budapest at ridiculous o'clock which I almost vomited on (shiezer I almost said 'also vomited' there!!), and ready-ish to teach a class of 9-10 year olds at school tomorrow. Mum would be so proud.

Line it up, line it up, it's BUSINESS TIME

This last 24 hours has been a rollercoaster for me... not only did I manage to catch a ridiculously early flight from London to Budapest but I did so while emotionally, mentally and physically tired, and I have renewed faith in my ability to indeed 'grow a pair'.

'Backing it up', however, is another matter completely. Even before I was devastated with the news that I am indeed not my favourite boy's favourite girl, I was already bailing on said boy's farewell drinks at not much after 1am. Urgh. I just had such a major night on Friday and wasn't able to sleep in to revitalise enuf before starting again. All my other mates did, and I was the only one alive and willing to go to Broadway Markets so I ended up just chilling at a mate's house.

Friday night, though... ai ai ai... Someone, who may or may not be an old school friend I hadn't seen in years, suggested at a mere 3pm timeslot to have a line. Well... a few Hoxton bars later and before I know it I'm having a crunk-off with a random American girl at another random friend's random east London apartment lining shit up every 5 minutes. And it's 5am. Shit.

Of course I couldn't get through to my trashbag former flatmate, it being a Friday night n all, and ended up crashing at wiiiiiife's house. While she tried to sleep it off next day, I crept off to my mate's and awaited instructions for favourite boy's farewell drinks. To be continued...

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Back in London...let the drinking commence!

Back in London town and it's - as to be expected - been a crazy few days. After an initial minor freakout pre-return re finding somewhere to stay, I ended up back at the old flat just off Brick Lane with my old flatmates! Good times, at least it was central. And I also had another good mate offer his pad too, so I felt well loved!

Wednesday night consisted of drinking with my trusty, trashy former flatmate and the next day waking to a lunch appointment with my DC girls. Well, almost all of them. That led appropriately to me being drunk by early afternoon wandering the streets of central London, while one of the girls stumbled off to try and avoid acting drunk while nannying, and the other freaking that she'd be fired from the 2-hour lunch break she'd just rewarded herself.

I eventually found myself in the British Museum of all places, somewhere I'd walked past so many times and never even considered going into. The place is huge, incredibly huge, and full of sooooooo many artefacts! Well impressed. But, being a bit boozed, it was one mummy too many and after updating my Facebook status while resting I found someone else to meet after work as I killed time.

Visited old workmates before meeting up with a friend who had just returned to my world after initially getting annoyed at me for something I am still not quite sure I did, I continued to drink steadily and by dinner time was well up for bargaining my way into a good Brick Lane curry deal with other mates. By the time I stumbled home I was spent.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Bolting horses and lost phone courses

So the asshole at the border. He decided that I'd come into the UK too many times since my visa expired in June and hence asked me a million questions to suss out exactly what I was doing coming back again. After explaining - several times - that the only reason I had 2 stamps in my passport already was because I went before and after a flight back to Oz, but he wouldn't listen. Trying to keep my temper and also make my bus connection back to London, I patiently listened to him warble on about his suspicions that my activities in eastern Europe were most likely illegal and therefore he was suspicious of me in general etc etc.

Anyway, long story short, he downgraded my passport stamp to one which would raise eyebrows next time I came in and gave me sufficient reason to question any further need to visit my friends in London for quite some time. As I say, asshole.

Slightly shaken, I was finally in the UK and off to party with friends. Well, it wasn't quite as smooth as that because I hadn't actually told anyone I was coming so most of them had plans. Regardless, some of the old faithfuls came out of the woodwork and presto, I had a night! Not only did I end up at my favourite boy's house but I scored his hoodie which is super comfy and, although it is now covered with horse, cat and dog hair, and odd stains (minds out of gutters thanks) is still a lifesaver as England comes to grips with the onset of winter. It smells of horse but I still sleep in the damn thing.

My time in Ramsey, Cambridgeshire has been so lovely. The lady I'm staying with, a friend I made while working at the Romanian trail place, is just a pleasure to know and I am so glad I came to visit. She is about my mum's age with kids younger than me, but we get on like a house on fire and she is so generous. I want to make sure I get up tomorrow so I can get her a thank you gift.

Anyway, the first day I rode a horse that bolted on me. Apparently doesn't bolt on anyone else but me, so that made me feel great. Managed to slow it down sufficiently so all was good. Today I rode 2 more, much more enjoyable except that I lost my mobile as I cantered along at some point. Looked everywhere for it but alas, it's been sucked into some muddy shithole never to be seen again. A shame, as I used it for a memory stick/USB as well, but there you go. Zip your pockets up properly, kids. Reminds me of the time I didn't do my shoelaces up when I was 5 and went careering down a flight of stairs into a glass window at the bottom. Good times.

So I'm off back to London tomorrow night, more riding tomorrow and some more dog walking, hopefully the weather will continue to be beautiful and I will continue to be happy.

Monday, 15 November 2010

Quick update - now in England!

Only a short blog today because I am limited on time before I head out for another ride... But I am now in the UK, after a little trouble at the border (more on that later) and I am visiting a friend in Cambridgeshire and riding her horses while she is teaching at school.

The weather is sunny today, a pleasant surprise, but it's still cool. Everyone has been super nice to me here and the lady I'm staying with, who was actually one of the guests in Romania I helped with, is so lovely.

Spent Sat night in London, ended up staying at my favourite boy's house and of course drinking a bit too much cheap wine so I felt a little shabby on the coach up north but I made it there in one piece. And I scored a super comfy hoodie from said boy, which I don't want to give back but will have to soon because I have NO room in my bag for anything else!

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Friday, 12 November 2010

Teacher does good

So I have mum to thank for giving me some good teaching genes because after my first week of English teaching in Slovakia, I have been asked to come back for another week from Nov 22 (which means more money) and have also gotten some reallllly sweet gestures from the kids.

One group made a big banner on coloured A4 pages saying "you are the best lectors" which I think in Slovak means we're the best teachers. I also had some students ask for my Facebook page, others age for my email and others still getting photos with me and the other kids. As soon as I got back to Budapest, I checked my email and saw I already had emails and friend requests from them. Cute! I had a love letter written for me, which I want to copy and scan onto the net cos it is so sweet!

I will miss the pretty girls and the daily beer and smoke sessions. But then again, I will do it all again in about a week's time!

Thursday, 11 November 2010

Post-teaching bump

OK so I can officially say that I've done an alright job on my first week of teaching. Today was my fourth day, we have one more to go, and I had the pleasure (ahem) of being watched by 2 of the local English teachers and the headmistress at some point during the day.

However, both of them gave me glowing reports and praised the Project Week design so I hope they pass that onto my boss and the students. Even my students brought cameras in to take photos with me. So that's a good sign! Unless they just think I'm a loco lookin'...

My classes focused on music, review writing and song structures etc. Something I'd like to think I know a little about, or at least more than grammar and punctuation. Eek! I would so easily be stumped if I got hammered with those finicky points. Oh well, I'd better get on with my final lesson plan. Only a few more periods to go and then I can relaaaaax.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010

He be a dorky kiwi

Quick update tonight because I am stoned and can't think much too hard. I mean too hard. Sigh.

Three days in and I am still alive. This is a good sign. I went to the other school with the teachers and after being told one of the classes is really shit and unresponsive, I was quite worried. But I was effervescent, fun and confident, and I think I went well. They were quite active and contributed to all the things I asked of it. So blurgh to the other teachers.

Speaking of teachers, there is one here who is a dork. Now I try not to be judgemental but he is not only a nerd and a Kiwi, but also a narrow-minded prick sometimes and I often find myself thinking 'sigh'. What's the point of arguing, bringing up the fact he's a loser... just no point. I sometimes think I am not more accepting and open but then I meet people like this... THEN I think (because I'm a girl) me thinking this is not open and accepting because I have cast judgement. Hmmm... what to believe?? I'm so lost. Place hand gently on forehead.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Oi stoner, kick that ball!

Those that know me know that I've not been the biggest fan of teenagers, or kids, in my life so this whole teaching English thing is a real test to myself. And it's been interesting so far.

As I wrote in this very blog, the first day was a bit of getting to know everyone, and I don't exactly know how well I did... so after my classes yesterday I was determined to be a little more organised so as to avoid talking so much in every class. Discussion is one thing, talking while everyone stares blankly or falls asleep is another.

So today I focused on tattoos, thinking it would be a cool theme to do. Of course people asked me where I had tattoos, as well as how many piercings I had and where they were (details of which I tended to be fuzzy)... but I resisted the urge to take off my clothes to show them (I must be growing up) and maintained some dignity... as their grown-up teacher. Which is funny, considering I am merely 7 years older than some of them. That age gap has not been much of an issue for me in the past...

Anyway, by day's end I was sick of the classroom and the stoner in the back trying to nap on the desk was giving me the shits, so we went outside. I had a couple of American footballs with me so tried to teach them 'over and under', a game I used to play in primary school. Thinking I was keeping it simple because I was talking in English, it actually turned out to be a poor choice of game and before we even got started, kids were refusing to take part. So I just said, 'Fuck it, do what you want then - NO, THAT DOES NOT MEAN SMOKE!'

I learnt that the cute pinkeye guy is actually 19 - that could be interesting. I should stop having these thoughts.

Tomorrow I swap and go to the other school to teach their kids. Just repeat my lessons I guess. Lazy ass shit that I am.

First day of school...and I'm still alive

So yesterday was my first as an English teacher, and I'm not quite sure what these kids thought of me. Perhaps that I was boring, that I talked too much, that I had activities that were unentertaining. To be honest, I didn't even have a lesson plan so I am glad I made it out of there alive.

I ask my fellow teachers (of which there are 3 others) for information about what to do and get half an answer before I'm distracted by beer, weed, food or another more interesting conversation. So I am kinda on my own here... but as I usually do, I just winged it and somehow made it through. I wasn't really even nervous, although I noticed the guy who runs this thing was shaking in his boots. Is it because I'm too confident, or maybe I don't care, or perhaps I just have no idea about anything so this ain't no different...?? Either way, I guess it was good that I wasn't shaking because kids notice these things.

The weather turned from glorious in Budapest to shitty and rainy in Bratislava. And it looks like being rainy all week, which will ensure some lovely moods. To be fair, most of the kids are fine (one I call ‘Pink Eye’ but he can speak decent English and is kinda cute, minus pink eye) but of course we have a couple of them that don't do any work and another (I've named him 'Serbia') with I think ADHD... but all in all, I guess it could've been worse.

I am currently researching embarrassing and misspelt tattoos for my next class and figuring out which outfit I can wear that will be easy to show my tattoos if necessary. Pullin' out all the stops here...

Sunday, 7 November 2010

Legal? Professional sports players? Hi class...

OK, this will be my last post before I leave Hungary for Slovakia so I just want to pre-warn everyone that I have been given a class full of teenagers, several of which are 18 (ie legal), professional hockey players and male. Although really, when have you known me to be gender picky...

Anyway, these 'kids' are going to be my new class for the next week. I'm a little scared. They could rip me apart or try to seduce me. Or go for the double whammy. I don't even have my lesson plan ready!! And I'm stoned. And probably will be all week.


Awkward and amusing times in Eastern Europe

Whoever thought I'd never have use for my limited Romanian language skills can eat their bilingual words, motherfucker! Well, actually, that would include myself too but anyway... I could not stop laughing at what happened last night.

Arriving at Nyugati train station, I first had to shake a random but sweet Hungarian guy who asked if I needed any help. Although I know he was just trying to be friendly, he made things a little awkward when he said 'oh Sydney... I knew a girl from Sydney. But she died.' Hmm... what do you say to that??

Anyway, afterwards I was directed to the pub I always meet my English teaching friend at in Budapest, and went to ask a cute boy and his friend sitting on the steps which way to go... after hearing him say 'no inteleg' ('don't understand' in Romanian), I said 'ah ha! you're Romanian!' and proceeded to ask him how to get there in Romanian. There were slightly miffed as to why an English-speaking person knew any Romanian, and even more miffed as to which direction I was after, so I just laughed my ass off and found directions from someone other local. Seriously, who would've thought I'd EVER need that random skill again??! Too funny.

So then I met my friend E at the pub, had a couple of beers (sweet, sweet beer) and headed back to his for a few more and a smoke that put me on my ass. I was tired from all the traveling and fell asleep before my head hit the pillow. What a day.

Muffin top mamas and Hungarian ho's

Next stop: Budapest. With my (still 20kg) backpack on my back, I boarded the train to Forli via Ancona and sat looking around at the chavvy women staring at me, my hair, my probably general unkeptness as their tacky bling rings caught the sunshine and their muffin tops spilled over their super tight jeans. Good call senoritas.

Anyway, 5 hours later I was finally at Forli airport, the destination I'd come to as a result of cheap ticket searching. In total, the train, plane and bus transfer journey cost me about 70 euros. To get from Italy to Budapest. Pretty good!

There was a super tall blonde woman on my flight to Budapest, who all the men were staring at. She was all fake though - fingernails, hair, tan - and when I stared for a moment too long at her tight white t-shirt I realised even her boobs were fake. I struggled to make myself think she didn't want the attention, she just looked like that and was probably sick of people staring at her. Then I saw the see-through t-shirt with no bra. She went from poor little stared-at girl to attention-seeking stripper. Split second.

Ciao to those legs......

Greetings from your slack blogger!! Yes, I know I've been shit but internet access is always awkward when you don't have your own computer and to be honest, nothing that groundbreaking has really happened to report.

Last you heard I was picking olives in Italy. Well, that finished a few days later, actually when I was granted my second day off (unexpected, given I was leaving the next day and didn't think they'd bother giving me the Friday off). On the spur of the moment, I decided to take the 2+ hour train to Arezzo and check out this town that had not overwhelmed me with its description in dad's 80s tour guide of Italy.

The town itself was not so big, surprising for something that appears quite prominent on the Italian map, but it allowed me to do my cheapskate walk around it in record time (I am my father's daughter) and catch the Rapida (fast) train back on my slow train ticket. They didn't really care. I cared, though, about the addicted smokers using every small stop to puff out the windows and doors. Urgh.

Again, the touristy parts were full of American tourists (man, how they grate on my ears) although it was in general not that busy. A welcome calm.

Once I checked my train times back at the 'stead, I realised I was on a later train than first thought and voila! M unexpectedly asked if I wanted to ride so this time I got a go on Edwi, the largest but laziest of the 3. He's only 5 but already you can feel him saying, "ohhhhhh do I reallllllllly have to canter???"

Afterwards, I said goodbye to the gorgeous 360 view of the remnants of Tuscany, the carb-heavy dinners with pane de chocolatte dessert, the gorgeous dancing girls on the nightly variety show in their tiny outfits with their beautiful, long, bronzed legs framing the host's desks... sorry, where was I?? Yes, I will miss this place and the family - even the freaky looking ferret/alien/cat Jerry - but I know I can always come back if I really want. Would like to find somewhere I can take the horses out into the wilderness though... But all in all, a lovely experience!

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

The view as I picked olives near Tuscany...

Many options make a list grow...

Using the other Australian helper's computer, a Mac just like mine, I often forget it's not my machine and while away the hours while she no doubt sits upstairs tapping her foot in impatience. Oops! But, on a day like today where there is little else to do but scour the net for ways and means to carry out my latest travel whim, it's easy to do.

It started out nice yesterday but rained insistently from midday - all hopes of an outside lunch on the patio with the amazing view now dashed - and we scrubbed the horses clean from their muddy rolling patches with little room to move in the stable area while it became increasingly dark outside. Thanks daylight saving, you're a pal.

Experienced my first bad Italian mood also that evening when we decided to muck out the horses earlier due to the clock change - big mistake, as the host mum got all uppety about what time the horses get fed etc. Not that I was planning on feeding them til normal time anyway, I just couldn't work out why she got so upset. Maybe she thought we were trying to get it out of the way while they were visiting relatives in Rome. But hey, at least she was getting annoyed at us DOING work not avoiding it!

There is still at least 1 dog following me around all the time (esp at night which is good cos this property is prime real estate for horror movie fantasies) - just the way dogs should be. None of this bite yer finger off business (speaking of which, I'm almost healed completely yay!!). Now the ageing cat Jerry (who looks more like a mutated ferret with its cancerous ears now cut off and his white fur stained with more cancer scabs) also wants to jump up for cuddles every time it can, poor thing. It is a bit of a minefield patting him, though, I gotta be honest.

I've started scooping around the options on this new website where you can get paid to do horse work, which is a welcome relief, but now face the problem of too many options!!! Whatever am I going to do in 2011 before I have to return for my sister's wedding?? Oh oh, just found a place in SA that will pay for help training and exercising horses... sweet. And add it to the list.