Tuesday 30 November 2010

Driving or low-level flying???

When I woke up on Sunday in Munich, I felt I had had the strangest dream that someone had climbed into my bed uninvited and started trying to hook up with me. The fact I was in a different bunk kinda made me wonder if it was in fact a dream. Then, when all but one of the boys left to get breakfast and I tried not to get up at all, one comment from the remaining boy confirmed it was not in fact a dream. Dammit.

Doing my best to forget it happened at all and not give said boy any impression that it was to be repeated in any way, shape or form - as well as reminding him he actually had a gf - I turned over in my bed and tried to mentally ready myself for checkout. That done (and me having gotten away with not paying anything!!), we went downstairs and threw our bags into the luggage room before heading to a beer hall for a hair of the dog. Took me a little longer to invite any hairs or dogs back in my world but I managed. What a trooper.

At 3pm, I had to meet the lady who my new German host family had arranged to take me to Hamburg in her car. At 3:30pm I was starting to worry - I couldn´t get through to this lady and she apparently already left by the time my host had gotten through to her. Luckily she turned around and picked me up. Hey, it was easy money for her, she had 2 others in the car already!!

I dozed on and off during the 6 hour trip as she cruised at a pleasant 220km/hour down the autobahn. Yes, I admit it, I was shitting myself at first, having never been that fast in a car in my life (even with my dad driving race cars) but eventually fatigue took over any nervous emotion my body cared to throw at me. At least we got there in good time.

I got my ticket to Luneberg at Hamburg train station and managed to jump on the wrong train, so had to break the news to my new hosts that I wouldn´t be at Luneberg til 11:30pm. Oops. Finally got to the house about 12:30am and just collapsed.

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