Saturday 20 November 2010

Back in London...let the drinking commence!

Back in London town and it's - as to be expected - been a crazy few days. After an initial minor freakout pre-return re finding somewhere to stay, I ended up back at the old flat just off Brick Lane with my old flatmates! Good times, at least it was central. And I also had another good mate offer his pad too, so I felt well loved!

Wednesday night consisted of drinking with my trusty, trashy former flatmate and the next day waking to a lunch appointment with my DC girls. Well, almost all of them. That led appropriately to me being drunk by early afternoon wandering the streets of central London, while one of the girls stumbled off to try and avoid acting drunk while nannying, and the other freaking that she'd be fired from the 2-hour lunch break she'd just rewarded herself.

I eventually found myself in the British Museum of all places, somewhere I'd walked past so many times and never even considered going into. The place is huge, incredibly huge, and full of sooooooo many artefacts! Well impressed. But, being a bit boozed, it was one mummy too many and after updating my Facebook status while resting I found someone else to meet after work as I killed time.

Visited old workmates before meeting up with a friend who had just returned to my world after initially getting annoyed at me for something I am still not quite sure I did, I continued to drink steadily and by dinner time was well up for bargaining my way into a good Brick Lane curry deal with other mates. By the time I stumbled home I was spent.

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