Tuesday 16 November 2010

Bolting horses and lost phone courses

So the asshole at the border. He decided that I'd come into the UK too many times since my visa expired in June and hence asked me a million questions to suss out exactly what I was doing coming back again. After explaining - several times - that the only reason I had 2 stamps in my passport already was because I went before and after a flight back to Oz, but he wouldn't listen. Trying to keep my temper and also make my bus connection back to London, I patiently listened to him warble on about his suspicions that my activities in eastern Europe were most likely illegal and therefore he was suspicious of me in general etc etc.

Anyway, long story short, he downgraded my passport stamp to one which would raise eyebrows next time I came in and gave me sufficient reason to question any further need to visit my friends in London for quite some time. As I say, asshole.

Slightly shaken, I was finally in the UK and off to party with friends. Well, it wasn't quite as smooth as that because I hadn't actually told anyone I was coming so most of them had plans. Regardless, some of the old faithfuls came out of the woodwork and presto, I had a night! Not only did I end up at my favourite boy's house but I scored his hoodie which is super comfy and, although it is now covered with horse, cat and dog hair, and odd stains (minds out of gutters thanks) is still a lifesaver as England comes to grips with the onset of winter. It smells of horse but I still sleep in the damn thing.

My time in Ramsey, Cambridgeshire has been so lovely. The lady I'm staying with, a friend I made while working at the Romanian trail place, is just a pleasure to know and I am so glad I came to visit. She is about my mum's age with kids younger than me, but we get on like a house on fire and she is so generous. I want to make sure I get up tomorrow so I can get her a thank you gift.

Anyway, the first day I rode a horse that bolted on me. Apparently doesn't bolt on anyone else but me, so that made me feel great. Managed to slow it down sufficiently so all was good. Today I rode 2 more, much more enjoyable except that I lost my mobile as I cantered along at some point. Looked everywhere for it but alas, it's been sucked into some muddy shithole never to be seen again. A shame, as I used it for a memory stick/USB as well, but there you go. Zip your pockets up properly, kids. Reminds me of the time I didn't do my shoelaces up when I was 5 and went careering down a flight of stairs into a glass window at the bottom. Good times.

So I'm off back to London tomorrow night, more riding tomorrow and some more dog walking, hopefully the weather will continue to be beautiful and I will continue to be happy.

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