Thursday 11 November 2010

Post-teaching bump

OK so I can officially say that I've done an alright job on my first week of teaching. Today was my fourth day, we have one more to go, and I had the pleasure (ahem) of being watched by 2 of the local English teachers and the headmistress at some point during the day.

However, both of them gave me glowing reports and praised the Project Week design so I hope they pass that onto my boss and the students. Even my students brought cameras in to take photos with me. So that's a good sign! Unless they just think I'm a loco lookin'...

My classes focused on music, review writing and song structures etc. Something I'd like to think I know a little about, or at least more than grammar and punctuation. Eek! I would so easily be stumped if I got hammered with those finicky points. Oh well, I'd better get on with my final lesson plan. Only a few more periods to go and then I can relaaaaax.

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