Tuesday 30 November 2010


Two days in and I am relaxed. Sober but relaxed. I have a feeling this will be another unintentional detox stint but I guess it's all for the greater good. Today I rode shortly on G's beloved horse and got good feedback, so I'll be able to ride her again whenever I want. Maybe do some training as well. Speaking of, in the afternoon I worked with J to work her 2 horses in the little indoor arena they have.

It's still friggin freezing here. I have to put on my warmest jacket, thick gardening gloves, a scarf, my thick head scarf, thick socks and boots before venturing outside. It was sprinkling with snow earlier today and while that was actually quite pretty, it's still so DAMN COLD. I forgot that some parts of the world get this cold. Why aren't I helping in Tenerife or something??? At least I'm not in Munich, where news reports say there has just been a big dumping of snow. Just missed that one - phew!

The horses' water is always almost completely frozen and I have to pick up the shit before it too freezes into the ground. We can't use the outside taps cos that water is all frozen too. Sometimes I am scared to go outside. But then I grow a pair, put another pair on and brave it. Mostly it's not so bad because once I start moving around, I can feel my extremities again and all is well.

I am trying desperately to find a way to get to Bratislava cheaply... at the moment it is not so easy but I am sure I'll work something out. I hope...

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