Tuesday 2 November 2010

Many options make a list grow...

Using the other Australian helper's computer, a Mac just like mine, I often forget it's not my machine and while away the hours while she no doubt sits upstairs tapping her foot in impatience. Oops! But, on a day like today where there is little else to do but scour the net for ways and means to carry out my latest travel whim, it's easy to do.

It started out nice yesterday but rained insistently from midday - all hopes of an outside lunch on the patio with the amazing view now dashed - and we scrubbed the horses clean from their muddy rolling patches with little room to move in the stable area while it became increasingly dark outside. Thanks daylight saving, you're a pal.

Experienced my first bad Italian mood also that evening when we decided to muck out the horses earlier due to the clock change - big mistake, as the host mum got all uppety about what time the horses get fed etc. Not that I was planning on feeding them til normal time anyway, I just couldn't work out why she got so upset. Maybe she thought we were trying to get it out of the way while they were visiting relatives in Rome. But hey, at least she was getting annoyed at us DOING work not avoiding it!

There is still at least 1 dog following me around all the time (esp at night which is good cos this property is prime real estate for horror movie fantasies) - just the way dogs should be. None of this bite yer finger off business (speaking of which, I'm almost healed completely yay!!). Now the ageing cat Jerry (who looks more like a mutated ferret with its cancerous ears now cut off and his white fur stained with more cancer scabs) also wants to jump up for cuddles every time it can, poor thing. It is a bit of a minefield patting him, though, I gotta be honest.

I've started scooping around the options on this new website where you can get paid to do horse work, which is a welcome relief, but now face the problem of too many options!!! Whatever am I going to do in 2011 before I have to return for my sister's wedding?? Oh oh, just found a place in SA that will pay for help training and exercising horses... sweet. And add it to the list.

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