Sunday 7 November 2010

Ciao to those legs......

Greetings from your slack blogger!! Yes, I know I've been shit but internet access is always awkward when you don't have your own computer and to be honest, nothing that groundbreaking has really happened to report.

Last you heard I was picking olives in Italy. Well, that finished a few days later, actually when I was granted my second day off (unexpected, given I was leaving the next day and didn't think they'd bother giving me the Friday off). On the spur of the moment, I decided to take the 2+ hour train to Arezzo and check out this town that had not overwhelmed me with its description in dad's 80s tour guide of Italy.

The town itself was not so big, surprising for something that appears quite prominent on the Italian map, but it allowed me to do my cheapskate walk around it in record time (I am my father's daughter) and catch the Rapida (fast) train back on my slow train ticket. They didn't really care. I cared, though, about the addicted smokers using every small stop to puff out the windows and doors. Urgh.

Again, the touristy parts were full of American tourists (man, how they grate on my ears) although it was in general not that busy. A welcome calm.

Once I checked my train times back at the 'stead, I realised I was on a later train than first thought and voila! M unexpectedly asked if I wanted to ride so this time I got a go on Edwi, the largest but laziest of the 3. He's only 5 but already you can feel him saying, "ohhhhhh do I reallllllllly have to canter???"

Afterwards, I said goodbye to the gorgeous 360 view of the remnants of Tuscany, the carb-heavy dinners with pane de chocolatte dessert, the gorgeous dancing girls on the nightly variety show in their tiny outfits with their beautiful, long, bronzed legs framing the host's desks... sorry, where was I?? Yes, I will miss this place and the family - even the freaky looking ferret/alien/cat Jerry - but I know I can always come back if I really want. Would like to find somewhere I can take the horses out into the wilderness though... But all in all, a lovely experience!

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