Sunday 31 October 2010

Working weekend

Saturday, a day off for most, was spent picking hooves and olives... and had the heavens not opened the next day, I would've spent Sunday doing more of the same. As it was/is, however, I am sitting on the internet getting the things done I've not been able to do for the last week or so. Like giving you fuckers photos!! Urgh, the effort involved in that for a start...

I'm glad I am not picking olives today, as much as I love that plant, because I was starting to see olive branches every time I closed my eyes. And my manky dog bite finger is almost healed so I don't want to accidentally rip it open again from a particularly stubborn olive branch.

It's really a funny process, olive picking... you arrange all these big mesh nets under several trees (a long process for the hilly orchard we've been working on) and then pull (or milk as I see it) each branch free of olives, and at the end push all the olives into a pile at the botto. After picking out most of the leaves, you put them in a carton and voila, they're ready for the factory! We ate some of the first batch for dinner last night, tasty stuff!! Although we never made it to the olive oil party the factory invited us to and that was a bit of a disappointment. Would've been a laugh.

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