Wednesday 1 December 2010

-10 and counting...

Today is officially the coldest day I have ever experienced in my life. I had to wake up by 8am to feed the horses and by golly gosh, I have never felt so cold. The poor horses' water was frozen, they have icicles hanging off their whiskers and even their shit was frozen into the ground when I tried to clean it up. But, on the plus side, I did get to see a real snowflake close up when they landed on the horses... I'm talking a real fairytale lookin' crystalised snowflake. Breathtaking.

Apparently it's down to -10 in the daytime here, pleasant enuf if you're an eskimo, and they promise more snow to come in the next couple of days. After that, apparently, it's going to "warm up". Hmph. We'll see what that means.

I am still trawling the internet for the best way to get to Bratislava - it ain't easy! The train fares are not that cheap and the longer I wait the worse it's going to get. AND this morning I woke to a confusing msg from my English teaching boss asking me if I wanted to stay longer. Stay longer where? I asked. Urgh, it's hard enuf organising all this without more complications. Just wish I didn't need the money so bad.

G invited me to Christmas here at her house, which is SO lovely and I would so much like to but I just think with the timing of T's wedding just before Christmas I will be resigned to spending it with strangers either in a hostel in Prague or still in Munich. Or, if I'm lucky, a nice new Couchsurfing friend. Sigh.

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