Sunday 31 October 2010

Day off success!

My day off was a complete success, if you count being able to withdraw money and not miss any of my public transport bits n pieces. Although at the end of it all, I did feel like I spent much of my day waiting for buses and trains.

Firstly, I finally worked out a way to get to Budapest for my week of teaching in Slovakia (I feel cold just thinking about it) and then ran down the driveway to see if I could catch the next bus. Not knowing when the next bus was, I was simply hoping it was there when I got to the bottom of the st. Not so, however, as I sat for almost an hour before the next bus came - and when it did, it almost drove past completely thanks to a big truck in front of it.

With some extra time now up my sleeve, I went to the old town of Orte, another hilltop medevial situation. Cute little place. Then I headed to Orvieto, like Orte but bigger and much more touristy. All day I swear all I heard was French, American and Australian accents. Awesometastic (insert vomit sound here). I really don't like tourist places. Am developing a hatred of them.

Orvieto itself was good, although I was too tight to pay to go in anywhere and therefore spent my time wandering the streets looking in the free churches and cathedrals, and taking pictures of the little streets with cute hanging plants etc. There were apparently caves under the town that were used to catch pigeons and store wine etc but I never found them and ended up walking around the perimeter of the town instead, which was fine.

My hopes of getting back before dark went unfulfilled as the train and bus schedules did not mesh, and I ended up having to walk up the mega long and steep driveway in the dark, getting freaked out by black things running across the path in front of me. At first I thought it was one of the dogs chasing something in the bush but then I heard kind of pig-like noises. I walked a little faster.

Dinner was at a nice cave restaurant in nearby Vasanello, which we walked to under a beautiful starry sky. But it was FUCKING FREEZING outside. Definitely not looking forward to Slovakia.

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