Tuesday 5 October 2010

Good times back home = slack blogger

So I know I've been mega shit with keeping up in the blog stakes, but I have good reason! I am back for a short time only in my home country and trying desperately to see all my besties and family as often as possible. It's good being back for a short time cos everyone makes the effort to see you and you enjoy every second much more than if I was here forever - it's shiezenhauzer though because some people are just so busy and I don't think I will see them!! Oh well, can't please everyone.

Over the last few days, well almost a week, I've managed to go to the place I used to keep my horse and see the lady that lives there, one of my old school teachers who is just so lovely. Left my sunnies at her house which sux balls. Many a hungover day I've been punished since.

Being back here has really mixed me up emotionally... from the mini-anxiety attack I had on the plane here to the growing appreciation and love I have for this intensely beautiful country. And a developing longing to see the rest of it...

Anyway, as I finish this blog I'm writing from London, where I've just landed and it's going to be another hectic 24 hours so I won't likely get a chance to update any more blogging until I get to Slovenia.


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