Friday 15 October 2010

Just realised... I´ve been detoxing!!

It´s been almost the full 10 days I´m staying at this host´s house in Slovenia and I realise I´ve unintentionally been detoxing from alcohol. Arrgghh!!! Scary times. But it´s just because my hosts don´t drink and I haven´t been out to a pub or in fact outside the perimeter of this village (100 inhabitants), and now I´m scalin' the walls. Scalin' man. Lucky dad is coming tomorrow and he will buy me beer. Sweet, delicious beer. Or wine. Not fussy.

In other news, I am much more relaxed now the host couple has left for Munich. We´re still doing the work that needs to be done, but I feel much happier now I don´t have eyes watching and judging how I interact with their pets. I am good with animals, why do I feel like I suck now??! Breathe. Just keep calm.

What else? Took Spooky for a nice trek through the Slovenian forest today, about time too cos I´ve been eyeing that mother up since I got here. Just beautiful.

Oh yes, and in my super relaxed state I have gotten back into tacky US drama like Grey's Anatomy, NCIS, Ugly Betty and House. And god it feels good. But not as good a nice, cold beer.

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