Wednesday 13 October 2010

The one about the flying snake

Last night I had a dream that involved a flying snake - literally a black snake with black and white magpie-type wings. It also had a part where I ran into a recent ex and was really nice to him, while he complemented the way I´d grown my nails etc. My mates were incredulous that I had been so nice to him after how much of a prick he´d been to me.

While receiving reiki from the Spanish helper, I was explaining this to him and he started explaining his theory of the 'saving mother', where girls draw themselves to people needing their nurturing. He thought the ex part of my dream was related to this. He also said that flying snakes, in Spain, were symbolic of someone graduating from a snake (just learning) to a bird (fully grown as a person). Which means it showed I was growing as a person, learning more about myself and the world. Very interesting. The dream, unlike so many others, is still so vivid in my mind.

I also got a massage from D, the Spanish helper, so I feel all nice and comfy. And knowing I have just 24 hours left with my hosts before they leave for Munich, then another couple of days before dad comes, I´m even happier. I don´t feel at ease around the hosts, although I feel nothing against them as people. I just think they think I am lazy or something, I dunno. And waking up after 10 today didn´t help - no one roused me so all the mucking out had been done when I rose! Way to help my cause.

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