Tuesday 12 October 2010

Light at the end of the Slovenian tunnel

It turns out I wasn´t the only one disappointed with my performance here at the Appaloosa Ranch in Slovenia. I was sat down yesterday by my hosts who said they didn´t think I was the right 'fit' here and if I minded leaving so the other helpers could get on with things more productively. Well, it wasn´t exactly in those words, there were no hard feelings and I couldn´t agree more.

My finger, although it was damaged by their dog, has really hampered my ability to help out and only the last 24 hours I´ve felt almost back to normal. There´s still more healing to do but I can now do most of the things I can normally do with my left hand, except I still write like a 5 year old child, or a man, same thing.

Now having gotten our grievances out in the open, I am much happier knowing the end is in sight, there are no more expectations and I am glad to see my departure means the lovely Italian helper no longer has to leave. She really loves it here and is a very good fit. And the dog doesn´t want her fingers for breakfast.

Post-discussion, I immediately started making alternative arrangements and less than 24 hours later I had organised an extended trip with dad, arranged a new place to go in Italy with horses and researched the train options in getting to Bratislava for teaching in November. Sorted!

I am really happy, counting down the days til I see daddy (4 to go) and glad it´s all worked out for the best. The place in Italy looks gorgeous, the Italian girl here says it´s just under Tuscany so really nice - yay! And I get to stay with dad longer when we drive from Slovenia back to Italy. Good times ahead.

I realised the other day that I don´t even know what the currency is here and I´ve been here almost a week haha... long live Help Exchange!

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