Sunday 17 October 2010

Teensy tiny Slovenia

Having extrapilated myself from the clutches of Rottweilers and stallions in countryside Slovenia, I have now acclimatised to a new kind of holiday with daddy dearest. And I've still not taken out any money.

Dad came with his wife yesterday to pick me up from the farm and I couldn't get out of there quick enuf. I was so excited to see him and also to just move on, I jumped in the car and bid the place a final goodbye. We went straight into the capital Ljubljana (pronounced lube-lee-arna, took me a while to get that one) and found the accommodation I'd booked for us. Was a bit worried about whether it was going to be nice enuf for them but it has turned out more than adequate. Me done good.

Went out for dinner by the city river, which was so nice and reminded us of Switzerland or Stockholm... as everything else has been in this country, it was clean, neat and orderly. Maybe it's more like Germany then. Everything is nice and sensible - dad loves it.

Today we jumped in the car and opted for a last-minute planned route skirting the city centre, checking out some cute little towns and old buildings. We didn't get out much except to eat (fine with me), which was good since it was raining all day, and I enjoyed just staring into the yellowing autumn forests as we wound up and down the hills and rolled through the pasturised valleys. My favourite town was Skolja Toka. So romantic...

Everything is so darned close to each other, I'm now getting an idea of just how small this country is. I hope I can stretch this holiday out for a few more days before seeing everything it has to offer!

Ate way too much for lunch and now am trying to prepare myself for another no doubt overfilling for dinner. This is what happens when I holiday with dad. We eat. And drive. And stop to eat. And eat again.

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