Wednesday 20 October 2010

It's just so beewwwwwwdiful

Hardly any sleep last night. It sucked balls. I ate a tough tuna steak for dinner and a piece got stuck in the stupid back cavern of my teeth, the cavern that defies my comfort in sleep!! Damn you cavern!!! The bane of my existence my whole life.

Anyway, yesterday we spent a lot of time driving which was fine with me since it was mostly through the SE wine region of Slovenia. Some of it was gorgeous back roads that wound through little villages, vineyards and farms. Others were on motorways - and I tell ya, Slovenians love a good motorway. I sat in the back trying to fall asleep so I wouldn't let myself stress out by way of osmosis through dad's stressing. I swear about 99% of the time he forgets he's on holiday and still thinks he's due back in the office in 10 minutes.

But you just can't go past Slovenia in the autumn - many of the trees are yellowing, the others are turning red and some stay green. The mix is just stunning. On top of this, the mountains are getting more than a slight drizzling of snow on the tops and even as we wound up the mountains today, it was obvious there had been a decent snowfall recently that still sat all around the road and in the forest. We were all in awe.

In Ptuj, we stopped at the castle and had a look around. There were some weird artworks in there... the girls looked pregnant but also had massive cleavage, it was just a weird combination for people who were meant to be regal and high class. More like discarded hookers.

Dad keeps me amused with his super Aussie pronounciation of everything Slovenian - I can't believe I'm correcting him! It's a slavic language, for fuck's sake, what do I know?! But to be honest, I am actually half decent at this language thing... which I made the mistake of telling dad. Now he's on this not-so-subtle warpath to get me to uni as a linguistic expert. He just does not give up. I swear he's dropped subtle hints before, but now he's just being plain obvious.

The message is loud n clear: "You're making a big mistake traveling for so long, you're going to be left behind from everyone back at home, you're missing out on big life opportunities, you won't have anything to fall back on without a uni degree, uni opens up new doors" and on it goes... Seriously, I know he misses me, but this ain't gonna bring me back any sooner. I regret none of the decisions I've made in my life so far and I have had an AMAZING 26 years so far. But it seems I'm the only one around here that has any trust in life.

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