Friday 8 October 2010

'The Hen's Night Out'

The plan was set for Friday night and it was looking like a girls only affair. Never been too much of a problem for me :) We headed to Double Bay, which is usually a no go zone for me but since it was for my girlies, I relented.

It turned out to be more of a hens night, with all but one of us single and several recently heartbroken by break-ups or just boys in general. No surprises there (wow, this really is turning into a feminist rant innit ha). We got merry with rounds of shots and all the appropriate alcoholic treats, laughing at some of the guys attempting to chat us up.

One in particular, an English bloke, was so hammered he kept asking my name (which as a nickname is one letter) and then eventually floated away somewhere. When he returned, he said, 'sorry what was your name again?' to which my ever-eloquent friend said, 'Look mate, it's one fucking letter, see ya later.' After which he realised his time was up and skulked away. Bahahahaha...

The last memory I have is a kebab shop and saying, 'I don't feel too well' to my bestie before passing. Bless her, I awoke in the morning to a (empty) bucket, glass of water and my earrings next to my bed. Then it was Saturday...

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