Tuesday 1 November 2011

A lil bit o' bitching...

Today was the slowest day I've seen so far at work. My morning ride didn't show up (what is it with these people??) so I was left filling and cleaning the water drums, a task no less menial than it is necessary. My afternoon (and only) ride was OK, 4 locals that were friends with the boss that I suspected were riding either free or on a severe discount. Needless, to say, they didn't tip a dime, scabby cunts.

They also whined a little that we were only walking - as they were "experienced" riders. Well, the girl's boyfriend couldn't trot to save his life and they should have paid for a faster tour if that's what they wanted. Oh, that's right, they didn't pay.

And they were French. Oui oui. Tight tight. So no friendly facts about St Maarten for them, then. Fun times. At least I got them going a little faster when I asked for help in chasing a rouge horse back down (even though they were useless) and even got them laughing in the water. I walked a little faster through the trail also so they could trot to catch up if they wanted - or was it to make the ride finish sooner???

The guide from Guyana got a little annoying today, several times I had to say, "Uh huh, uh huh, yeah listen I gotta go over here now and do that..." He bitches about all the things wrong about the place, and that his voice is never heard etc etc. Like I can do anything about it. Keeps asking if my days off are the same as his, like we could go island exploring or something together... I'd rather explore the island with a rabid, mutant dog. At least that way I could shoot it before it bit me.

Wow, what an angry blog this turned out to be.

Well, what good things can I say... it was a beautiful blue sky today, oh except for the afternoon rain and the searing heat. OK, let's try again.

I saw a girl in overalls. That reminded me that I used to wear overalls when I was younger. They were hideous then and they're hideous now. Just a quiet observation.

Got a message last night from my co-worker, J, asking if I didn't talk to him much cos I was angry at him. Sounded more like a sulky boyfriend to me, so I didn't reply. I am not getting into that kind of friendship here.

One night this week we are trying to do a movie night with the staff. The 3 Musketeers. Maybe it's for inspiration??

Now I'm at a wifi cafe begrudgingly, hoping to have had free internet all night with my boss' plug-in dongle thing but for some reason it doesn't work with my computer. Ho hum. So I've downed a beer, cooked some spag bowl and hot-footed it up the road for another internet adventure.

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