Tuesday 1 November 2011

Saving dollars n dimes

Got a big compliment from the boss today, as he explained to J and me which horses we were and weren't to use in certain ways, who was pregnant, who needs a soft hand... and when he came to Seductor, the horse I rode in my lesson the other day, he said he had never seen the horse look so relaxed as when I was on him. So that's good to hear! Nice that I'm doing something right :)

Took out a family of 5 today, holidaying on the island, and had a cute-as-a-button 6-year-old on lead behind me. Nothing bad happened, although I think the grandma was a little pissed she got the horse that ate all the time. But really, any horse she was on would have done the same, she had no strength to have any control at all. Felt like putting a lead between everyone and just caravan them along like camels, ffs.

I had just that ride today, since my afternoon people failed to show - the weather wasn't so bad so I don't know what happened there. At least I got a juicy $20 tip from the earlier family, and I managed to spend not a dime today (and it is literally dimes here!) as I packed my own lunch and just drank water. So my plan of putting money aside is working so far, and it's not even high season.

My actual plan is, hopefully, that I can put aside all my salary that I get minus rent and live off my tips, in high season even putting some tips aside as well. On a normal day, I spend just a few dollars on food at Seaside, and then it's the occasional grocery shop or phone credit-top up, etc. If I manage to put aside $500 a month for 6 months, well that's $3000! But I doubt that will happen, because I do want to see some other islands etc and I'd need to dig into my savings for that.

But..... now that my mate from Oz has confirmed her flights to St Maarten for NYE, I know I'll definitely have some big parties to spend my pennies at. Although, if we play our cards right, perhaps we can get someone else to foot the bill haha! Can't wait til she gets here, I am missing my friends from back home so it'll be good to not only have her here, but be able to get out n about with someone I trust. And a girl, for once!

I enquired about inter-island travel and it seems there's only a few islands the ferries go between, namely Saba, Anguilla, St Barts and Prickly Pear. I really wanna get to St Thomas but it looks only likely with a flight. So, what I really need is to get friendly with some of these yacht owners and just jump a ride with them! Ha! What a dream. Considering I'm pretty much prisoner in my room unless my workmates take me out.

Spoke with my boss today about the contract etc, and the topic of insurance came up. I must admit, I have been a bit lax about my insurance expiring and not renewing it, so I got straight onto that. I won't be insured for a couple of months, when I'm officially on the books here, so that's a fair amount of time considering the work I'm doing. I was kinda hoping for them to insure me through work and avoid having to pay for my own insurance, but alas.

Was told things were all positive with me though, that the guests were giving great feedback and I was learning fast, or already knew a lot before I came. Also was told I was the best at riding crazy Seductor, so hopefully he can become my new little project. He is a good horse, just ridden a bit hard in the past.

Still having difficulty getting through to A, for a couple of days now he seems not to be onlinie, I know he said he had trouble the other day so maybe it's completely down for now. Poor bugger, I know he must be itching to talk with me, as I am with him. He's gonna stress himself to an early grave this way!

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