Tuesday 8 November 2011

Blessed be my (early) day off

Another day, another set of problems for the little island of St Maarten. Firstly, my fan finally kicked in at 4am after the night-long power blackout came to an end. Then the internet was down at Seaside. And then later at the sports bar. Probably the whole island. So I'm glad I spent most of my day washing clothes and napping, or I'd have been wasting a lot more of my time.

I had the biggest sleep-in since I got to the island, granted mainly by the fact I smartly put my phone on silent, predicting a call or message from J seeing if I wanted to hang out on my day off. He doesn't listen very well, so the fact I was so tired and sounding fatigued on the phone the previous evening wouldn't have resonated and I was sure he would call early morning to check my plans. I was right. When I finally woke, I had 2 missed calls from him.

Didn't respond as I just felt like being alone today - washing my clothes, cleaning my room, having a swim, checking my emails... When the internet didn't work at Seaside, I had my swim and indulged in putting my whole head underwater because I'd planned on washing my hair straight after. For those without dreds, it is funny to hear but I hardly put my head underwater because it takes so long to dry and is super heavy.

I then promptly fell asleep on the banana lounge at Seaside, and afterwards headed home for more housework. I was doing everything in a daze, so tired from the previous days and their heat, and I was eternally grateful to my bosses for letting me have the day off. Turned out better for them in the end, too, because today was dead and tomorrow they need an extra guide because it's cruise ship day.

So that's what I have to look forward to, 2 consecutive days of cruise ship and some quieter days before Saturday's cruise ship again. My lessons haven't begun yet because the people who used to book them haven't re-confirmed. So hopefully I will get some time to do training with the young horses. I momentarily thought about taking one swimming today but I just had no strength in my body.

My walk to the sports cafe tonight had the regular "hey baby, hey rasta" calls but this time one guy actually yelled for a good minute "hey beautiful, hey girl, hey, hey, English, England, England, rasta, England" and so on. I had to cross the road. Fuck, don't they get it??? Not interested. If I could walk around in a habit I would, but it's fucking hot so I walk around in summer dresses. And the kissy-kissy noises, and the cow-like whistles... do they really think calling me like a farm animal is going to get my attention??? REALLY pisses me off. Just keep eyes on the ground.

When I realised the internet was also not working at this place, I had already ordered a beer so I moved to the stools facing the water and just watched the sky's brilliant flashes of lightening as I got lost in my own thoughts and daydreams. I'm not gonna lie, they were all about my plans with A... where we will travel, what our wedding would be like (forward thinking I know, but a girl can dream), when we see each other next...

The mozzies have started to attack. I spray before bed but I still have bumps all over my body. At least I'm getting a tan. Things are looking up!

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