Saturday 5 November 2011

Yay for staff socialising!

For all those times I've thrown a scornful glance toward a casino as I drove past in my car, I apologise. Today I had the funnest ride yet with people who were only there because they'd won big at the casino the night before, and were more than happy to share the love. Not only did I get tips after the ride, but they didn't want change when paying for the ride at the start so I had another envelope of tips to collect as well (altogether more than a whole day of riding the other day!) - and I enjoyed the ride too!

The only thing that got me thinking was when I was, as usual, gabbing about the certain romantic spots I would nonchalantly take my beau to "check out" should he get to the island... not for any reason other than enjoy the view, of course... One of the riders said she never wanted to marry, and that made me sad. Of course not everyone has to get married, but to be utterly opposed to the idea... just the way she said it, made her sound so shut off to the idea of love.

Now that I have it, I find it an incredible experience. Love, the one single emotion that has founded so many wonderful and equally as many heartbreaking songs, unforgettable poems, beautiful movies... so much artistic creation rests upon this one feeling. I always had a sneaking suspicion Hallmark was behind all of this marketing about "love"... now I know, it is real. It is lifechanging. It is, in itself, unforgettable.

Just the other day when my boy and I spoke on Skype, he said he would be on one knee at the terminal if I flew home tomorrow. Tempting... absolutely. But I need to do my 6 months here, commit to that much, to really experience life here, meet some great people, learn new skills, hone old skills... All of this I believe is essential to my being.

And at the same time, the 6 months he has away will also be key to his traveling experience. Albeit, without me, but to do things solo is such a different way of seeing the world. But it's just 6 months - after that, I'm by his side, no doubt. He ain't doing anything solo ever again! haha... maybe one fishing trip. But that's another discussion.

Went to the movies tonight, the first staff outing I have had, and it was nice (since I actually got to socialise for once!). My bosses shouted us to the 3 Musketeers, a juvenile but entertaining action film (pretty horses!), and awesome icecream afterwards from a place called Carousel that had a horse carousel out the back. I could just see me and my friend E with heads back, screaming and laughter, drunk off our minds, riding with glee... all in a few weeks...

Not sure what the others did after, but I caught a lift home with the bosses. I spent much of the night only half listening to the conversation while dreaming of my boy, and his last message of excitement about the exotic places we will live in and travel through. I must say, I am excited also. A little at a loss still about what I will do in terms of life goals, plans, etc... but for now I will be satisfied that it will be an adventure I will take with his strong hand firmly in mine. And that makes it a bit less scary.

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