Friday 4 November 2011

Riding to the Queen

My day started interestingly enuf, with a 6am wakeup call from my elderly neighbour who - while not entirely all there - seems to concern for me like a father, and was rapping at my window asking if I was OK. Turns out there was a big storm overnight which my beer-soaked brain had calmly slept through (I think I woke to the rain then realised it was a little cooler and I didn't need the fan on - even used the sheet at one point, shock horror!).

I was furious at being woken up early on my day off but resisted the temptation to get out of bed and throttle the poor man. Luckily, since when I spoke to him later that day he said he was concerned that I had been affected by the storm. I gently but firmly told him under no circumstances should I be woken like that again, unless in an emergency, and that if there WAS a problem, I would be up and about, and he'd know about it. I am not a morning person.

Walked down to Seaside in my beach wear, fully intending to go beaching with one of the guides who was also off today after I spoke to my boy on Skype, but after some observation of post-storm sky, thought against it. I have to say, it is the first day in St Maarten I have seen yet that I wouldn't actually go to the beach. Never thought I'd say that.

Next thing I know I'm scouring my suitcase for anything orange, as that's the national colour for Holland and I'm about to go riding to see the Dutch royal family. Hmmm. Random much??

So we saddled up, me in my orange fisherman pants and staff t-shirt, my boss and J carrying each a Dutch and St Maarten flag. My horse was the best one on the bit so I had him looking grand as we rode into town, literally side by side with the cars and at time with a big line of impatient cars behind us. Everyone was staring at us, taking pictures, videoing - we were superstars. And everyone knows I hate being the centre of attention ;)

The police didn't let us go to the Queen so we waited until they passed, and then they did in a small bus (a little undignified for royalty, I thought), we smiled and waved, and then we turned on our heels and took the back way home. What a beautiful way to see the island! On horseback! I swear at some points the traffic was going so slow we had the advantage.

Afterwards, I went with J and a few staff to get pizza, which turned out to be way more stressful than it needed to be. They were arguing about which pizza to get, what drink, what crust.... then the girls sat too close to the restaurant to smoke a joint and the customers complained. So then the guys were annoyed at the girls. Honestly, I was stoned by that stage so I just wanted the friggin pizza.

Back to work for the Friday grind... not usually one of our busier days and I'm working with J, so that should be a little more entertaining than the guide I usually work with. Maybe I'll take a horse for a swim on my lunch break. Then it's movie night yay! Socialising! For once!

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