Saturday 26 November 2011

From Romania to St Maarten

A cool day today, my favourite with a good stream of rides through the day and hardly any yard work. And a lunch break. I'm working out that I will enjoy the non-cruise ship days in high season, when you get people going for private rides and sunset rides rather than spending ridiculous amounts on a boring, simple ride with helmets and floaties.

Working solo with my least favourite guide D wasn't as bad as I'd thought. He was actually much better to deal with - I'm starting to realise that's because he had no one to act like an ass to in front of me, and he's a bit scared of girls so he just acts nice to their face and probably bags them behind their back. Which is fine, so long as he's nice to my face and the people he talks to from work know he is talking bullshit. Which they do.

Had 4 rides in total - first, a Romanian-born Canadian-living family who were mighty impressed I'd lived in Romania for a short while; then a couple of Americans (mother and daughter) going riding for the daughter's birthday; a huge 9 people that ended up being 8 when the dad got scared; and finally a sunset ride for a lovely young couple living here studying and working. Had trouble again with the fire, not because of rain this time but the bloody wind!! They told me about another kayaking company that offered rides on different days so maybe they'll send me the details and I fit it into my schedule better.

So some interesting developments on the other side of the globe - my boy has upped and left the farm he was staying at. Maybe things got so bad he couldn't take it, maybe he ACTUALLY listened to my advice, maybe he came to his senses... Either way, it's awesome news for me as it means he's not in a negative rut anymore and can explore other options.

Main problem is that the lady from the farm didn't sign him off for the 3 months like she promised, just the work he'd done - bloody Englishman, he probably didn't push her for it just smiled and nodded politely. Not like he didn't do the work of 3 months anyway in the time he was there!! Honestly, what kind of Help X place has their people working 7 days a week?!

So now he's back in the big city, off to have a mega party with his mates for Movember this weekend. Good for him, I know he's been aching for it. I bet he'll have a new Help X place by the end of the weekend (maybe Monday considering how wrecked he'll be on Saturday!). But at least he's got friends to stay with now, and they have laptops, and laptops can let people change their relationship status.... I KNOW it's gay but I also know it took him a while to want to admit it to cyberspace he was with me and me only. So it's cool that that was the first thing he did online when he got to a laptop.

Of course now it's got me thinking, what if he didn't get his visa? What if he just chucked it all in, gave up? Where then would he go....??? Nah, I doubt that would happen. Would be nice, having him come here, maybe we could do a crazy island elope thing and go back to Australia married hahahaha... now THAT'S crazy talk!!

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