Wednesday 23 November 2011

Those bovine demons from hell

So today was a busy one - again, I got no lunch break but then when I was asked to bring in the horses they felt sorry for me not having eaten, so let me sit down to have some ghastly mozarella sticks (seriously, I feel sick after eating too many every time... why do I do it??) before heading out. Then it was time to face my bovine demons.

Of course I couldn't find the cows, second day in a row, but I honestly looked long n hard. Was a bit worried I'd miss my first lesson arriving but as she never came, I had more time to look around. I rode Tornado bitless (that means without the hard metal bit that goes in their mouth - my ideal type of riding) and he was perfect. Man, he is a good horse. I have decided that he is my favourite here.

Considering the amount of people I took out, 7 at times (too many to get a good ride, I think), tips were few n far between. It wasn't until I was about to unsaddle the horses that I got a frantic call from office manager, R, saying I needed to leave 4 for a ride that just showed up. Caught me in the nick of time.

So while guide I stayed behind trying to organise to buy more feed since the truck was bogged in the mud, I went off on a nice ride around the headland. Well, it was nice until the skies decided to open and I started fretting about the laptop I'd left in a locker that is known to leak in heavy rain.

Thankfully, we were close to the lockers by that stage and so I ran over to retrieve it, while the lady on my ride called for me to stash her bag with expensive camera inside somewhere. It really was bucketing. Same as yesterday. And, same as yesterday, we trudged into the water at the end, although this time it was a new experience as it was the heaviest rain I'd been in the water with before, and it was still light so the water was this opaque blue - but sooo warm compared to the rain!

They were a nice family that wasn't so perturbed by rain and so it was no surprise I got a nice tip - more than all my cruise rides combined! - at the end. I always think the guides get more tips when they have to take their guests through a rain storm. So may the heavens open each and every day! haha

At the supermarket I was ogled by some guy and, after basically ignoring me, got a curt comment of, "I try give you a compliment n you just ignore me?" I kept my eyes elsewhere, gave a blink-n-you'll-miss-it smile n said "sorry". He guffaw reply - in the vein of "Did she really do that to me? The nerve!" - was the first of its kind I'd had here. Asshole. But it did get me thinking that it would be bad to make enemies here as everyone was particularly edgy about crime rising in the area. Makes me worried to see the locals like that...

Made myself spag bowl tonight. Reminded me of the first night I stayed at my boy's house in Brixton. We were so drunk when we got home I demanded food (pasta a preference for me drunk) so we whips out leftover spag bowl from the fridge, heats it up and voila! Best spag bowl I ever ate. Then we stayed up til 5am exchanging YouTube songs, when he had to leave for work at 6. AM. Those were good times - clearly for me sleeping rather than him at work. Actually, no that day I was shoved to the curb because his flatmate didn't trust the skanks (haha) A sometimes brought home (the last one had stolen shit apparently) so out I went with A. That bus ride back to Brixton was living hell.

Anyway, the point of my story was that my spag bowl made me miss A. I'm thinking of him at the moment, things have turned a little sour with Manor Chicken Shit in bum-fuck-idaho in WA, and he's been asked if he wanted to leave. I suggested he leave and find another place near Perth, or even work at a hostel to save cash. I know his predicament, more factors than I care to mention in this ramble, but I also empathise because it harks of the time I was bitten by the Rottweiler in Slovenia and then asked to leave. Yep, blame me, not your clearly unstable pet. Oh yeah, and make sure you leave that dog in the same room as your gorgeous 10-month-old baby. Weirdos.

But I digress. And time runs away from me again. Almost 9pm and my eyes are drooping. Was a big day today and will be again tomorrow, my usual day off but I'm on from 7 because they have lots of rides. Will be off the following day. Cruise ships have increased so off we ride into the high season sunset... with all its tightass customers. Yippee!!!!

But MAN, the views are incredible from my saddle. For this, I love my job.

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