Sunday 20 November 2011

No tip... the price of romance??

Whoa, what a big day - where do I even start? How about the beginning, then. Had a restless night's sleep, mainly because of the a) heat, b) anxiety I would sleep through my kayak appointment and c) mozzies. Eventually I fell back asleep and of course about 5 seconds later my alarm went off.

Momentarily thought about using my late mark from work to snooze a couple extra hours, but then reminded myself where I was and that I should make the most of this place, so I dredged my body out of bed to get to kayaking. Took just 17 mins to walk to Kim Sha beach, where the lesson was to take place, so I got there in time and was actually waiting for the others to come. Stretched a little in the meantime...

In the end, it was just N and I with the instructor, and he chose to put me behind him in the double kayak. Another new experience for me, it was good also because I could copy his stroke and really work on my technique. It's a lot harder than it looks - and hopefully when I get it right I won't feel it so much in my arms. I felt I got a few good strokes in but it was hard to maintain.

Paddled all the way to the oil ship by my work, a couple of kms in total, the headed back for fear of getting contaminated by any spilling oil. But I didn't see any. My arms were a little tired so I was happy with the distance we made. The island is so beautiful from the water, a totally different perspective. I could finally see the "mansions" on the point just over from us - turns out they're just little bungalows, still nice but probably rented out by season. Still, my instructor thought they were only worth $350,000-400,000. For THAT view, sheeeeesh...

Got to work at 9am, an hour later than normal, all bright n energised, and had a ride scheduled for 10:30 which didn't turn up for another hour as the traffic clogged their journey. We seriously lose so much business cos of that darn traffic!! So I was worried they'd be all annoyed about the delay, but they were happy as Larry and I actually got the experienced riders so that turned out to be good.

Good, because at one point Rocco freaked out behind me, my horse Chico decided to follow suit and I don't even know what the other 2 did but I looked back and everyone was on board still. So no accident reports to fill out. Phew. THEN, on the beach, Prince decided to roll on the beach for the first time. Luckily, the guy jumped off pretty quick so no one was hurt. Still no accident report.

In the end, they ended up giving me $40 as tip which is pretty generous, especially for a cruise ship ride. One couple were from England, and I was chatting to them about my boy, my time in England, the fact I had a friend from their very small town... The other couple, the woman said she hadn't been on a horse since one threw her off. So I guess both were happy enuf with their rides.

Then came my afternoon ride. A young couple, like so many of my rides, yet when I mounted the guy he pulled me close... "I need to ask a favour... I am gonna propose to my girlfriend on this ride..." No problem, I know just the place. And so it was that I made their dreams come true as the sun set over St Maarten, their good camera in hand snapping away. The girl, just 25 years old, was speechless, luckily wearing sunglasses to hide her shock. He started worrying a little after popping the question on one knee, asking, "Was that a yes? Did you say yes?" I have to say, she didn't even nod so I was confused myself and stopped snapping for a moment.

He was adorable, fumbling about in his pocket trying not to make it look obvious, then kinda wonkily getting down on one knee... and she was so surprised. Even though apparently most people had guessed this is what they holiday to St Maarten was all about. Afterwards, I complimented the guy on being so cool about it, while he said he was purposely hanging his horse back to cope with the nerves. She said he'd just been an asshole to her all day. Ahh, guys.

But it made me miss my boy SO MUCH, I was a little irritated afterwards. Especially since I got not 1 cent tip from the couple. Thanks guys, happy forever after. Nah, I really should be happy for them, to be honest my karma will get me if I don't actually appreciate the beauty of the moment. I guess I just wanted it to be me there. It's actually the spot I always kinda joke with A that would be really romantic to get proposed to. They kinda spoiled it but I'd still take it! haha

So there were a lot of sirens tonight... not sure if it was related, but once the torrential downpour stopped and I could leave Seaside (where I'd stayed to speak to the Erm on Skype who is coming to visit in December) I went to the supermarket but was told it was closed because it had been robbed. Reminded me that I'd heard the Chinese supermarket was also robbed when I was riding in a bus the other day. They laughed about it.

So I was without pasta, but managed to make a kickass meal anyway. Battling with myself about whether to take out my labret ring permanently - I do like it but it is annoying that it keeps falling out and sometimes it's hard to eat with it. And really, I'm 27... And I know A doesn't like it... but he isn't here so I can leave it in for now!

I actually often forget what day it is here, my schedule varies with each week as to whether I work weekends or not. And to be honest, I don't go out much so weekends bare little meaning to me. But R from the office asked if I wanted to go to Anguilla or somewhere on our next day off - yes yes yes! I really want to get sightseeing in the Caribbean!

Now it's Saturday night again - feels like only yesterday it was last Saturday when I sat at home drinking beer and writing my blog, thinking about A... my how times change ha! So I guess it's another night of company from the marching band that is either performing or practising out the back of my place.... and my food... and beer... and eventually bed. Well, soon bed because I work tomorrow. Yeeeow work on a Sunday! Can't wait.

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