Friday 18 November 2011

A Crackberry nation

So I'm getting a feel for what being drunk on this island is like... and to be fair, I am usually a massive culprit to this kind of behaviour but apparently not this time.

It wasn't a really full-on day today - all 5 guides turned up even though we didn't have enuf rides for them. The boss asked why they were here... the 2 extra ones really didn't have much of an excuse than they nothing else to do for the day.

Just to explain, we have 2 full-time staffers - D and I. Then we have part-timer J. Then the 2 casual staff, I and R. So I and R turned up, not really bothered about not being needed because they smoke a severe amount of shit, and I guess we just kept working as we were meant to.

Nothing that exciting happened today... last ride included a couple who had just gotten married and they were all happy about doing things together. I gotta say, whenever I hear about these happy adventures together I quiz them about how their wedding went, where it was, how many people were there, etc etc... Man, that would be a nice occasion to have...

Got hit a little in the leg today by one of the thrashing legs of Bonita - she likes to rear when I try treat her eye. But nothing came of it so I guess it won't bruise.

I had an offer to go elsewhere with L-I, but preferred to go with R for Ladies Night. Really would always prefer to go out with girls but it is so very rare for me to get invited out to a girls night that I jumped at it. It being a Wednesday, I was about to go to La Bamba for a couple of drunks with L and then home. But I really wanted to check out this Ladies Night!

They have this whole new concept of Ladies Night. Basically, the women don't pay anything to get in, the guys pay for their drinks all night and anything else (OK that sounds like the women are prostitutes but that's not what I mean)... well, the women just don't pay!

Had a few (strong) rum punches at Seaside before heading home to have dinner and chill, as R said she wouldn't come past til about 10:30pm. Being a bit drunk and, well, a nana these days, I passed out for a while and woke up half-drunk and all confused about everything. R didn't end up coming til almost midnight, by which stage I was just trying to stay awake and not drink anything more.

Almost didn't get in again to Tantra because of dress code, but thankfully there was a sleeved t-shirt in R's car that her bro I could wear. Inside, the club was as expected - main dancefloor, few bars dotted around (including the one serving free champagne and vodka orange to ladies all night), staircase leading to VIP area, smoke machines... I danced with R and I, and didn't get hit on once because of it. Nice feeling.

Wasn't as tragic as Soggy Dollar, although music wasn't much better - Spanish tunes still kicking around from my time in South America mixed with some cheesy house and reggae/reggaeton etc. Gotten used to this kind of deal on my travels. Hard to find places that have anything different, gotta seek them out. Hopefully I find them here.

It was the first night I wore my only pair of high heels I have with me here - me being a lady n all - and by golly they HURT. Never really worn them out before but man... were meant to be my bridesmaid shoes for my sister's ill-fated wedding but more suited to the nightclub (they're super tall, black and sparkly). Woot woot, there's a party over here!!

Was pretty drunk - definitely the drunkest I've been since landing here - but I was off the next day so no problems there. The only problems were looking in my clutch to find my wallet missing (weird because I'd been holding it all night) and then losing the ball to my newly purchased labret ring. Maybe it's a sign, maybe I should just take it out. But I get so attached...

Remember looking down from the stairs at all the people's Crackberries sitting on tables, mostly in hands though, scrambling away on BBM. Clearly the iPhone hasn't made it here yet - even more glad I'm not using mine as it would be prime thieving - and everyone is OBSESSED with these Blackberries... My theory that people don't realise it's rude to message your friend while you're actually having a conversation with them is that this new form of technology wasn't invented when their parents were teaching them right and wrong, so they never knew it was rude. That, or they're just rude.

Managed to score a schwarma on the way home (this island's answer to a kebab except with a luscious creamy sauce), still perturbed about my wallet but OK because I hadn't actually needed it all night. Just bummed I faced the possibility of having to get a new ID from here. Let I open my door for me since it sticks and I couldn't have had less patience at that point. BED. NOW.

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