Sunday 13 November 2011

Another Saturday at home

Given my disappointing result with tips on cruise rides recently, I kept my expectations low for the Saturday rush... not that there was much rush, to be honest it was a little quiet for a Saturday. One bus just didn't come because the traffic was so bad... man, the roadworks cost us a lot of business!

I had 3 rides today, all one-hour long and nothing really that exciting... Actually got some tips, though, which was a welcome change. I think the key here is the expect nothing, then be overjoyed when I get something! The first ride were all horse-owners but had booked through their cruise so were still subject to the same safety measures and walking-only policy of the others. I had the family, and felt a bit bad cos I would have liked to take them faster, but I would have been slaughtered if my boss saw me and also if something did happen and the cruise found out it was while we were going faster.

My last ride I got the best tips, I think partly because the husband of one woman felt bad that she was so paranoid that we'd be late and the taxi would leave that she basically stormed off at the without even saying thank you or goodbye. She started whining at the beginning of the ride that we'd started late and I mentioned that she did arrive just before 2 (when we specify 30 mins before) so it's a little hard to get away on time, but of course I did it subtlely and I don't think she got it so of course it was our fault. Whatever. The other couple liked the ride because it was the first time the husband had been riding since a bad experience in Poland, and I made him nice n relaxed.

It was a good pace for me today, rides were constant but not enuf to make me miss my lunch break and late enuf into the afternoon that I had just a little time to work before my shift ended. So I didn't have to do any of the water drums or cleaning I usually had to... just the regular sweeping of the tack room, which I imagine is "women's work" anyway so I don't mind. Hey, I will TOTALLY adhere to social standards if it means I get out of dealing with grass and doing the hard yards. My body just isn't cut out for it, seriously. My wrists, my knees... I'll be in a wheelchair by 40 if I'm not careful.

Always enjoy having conversation with the guests, it lets me learn more about the different places I can go visit and what the cruises are like. Sometimes I want to go and work on one for a while - me a hostess or something, and Alex a chef - but really I wouldn't cut my hair for it and it would depend the length of contract. Seeing lots of different places is one thing, being stuck on a boat in tiny confines is another. Come to think of it, maybe I might enjoy that if I'm with certain company...

We were laughing today about my boss' dad, the drunk old man from last night, and they were saying that the way he was is like R himself but older. I don't really want to picture my boss saying those kinds of things, but apparently "it's the Caribbean" and that's just how it goes. I'm not sure I want to get to know the "real" R, who cracks the jokes and makes the comments... but I'm sure I will. Sigh. I have really become quite a sensitive nana in my time, haven't I?

Went to the supermarket, what is becoming the ritual for my days off - especially a big night like Saturday - for some supplies, namely groceries and beer. The guys there have grown a little used to having me there, they don't follow me or make comments quite so much, which is nice. Maybe my gloss is wearing off. Thank god.

I met a couple of young black girls that live locally, who stared at me with some kind of wonderment at my not-from-round-here-ness, and run out of the supermarket after I left to walk the short distance back towards my house with me. Bless 'em, they wanted to go riding but their mum said it was too expensive - it's almost half price for locals which is pretty cheap but I live in the ghetto so I can understand it's still too much. Told them they were welcome at the farm anytime and I could show them the animals if they wanted - they looked pretty excited about that.

So I sit here, alone, with my beer and iTunes for company, looking at photos of me and my boy, writing my blog, writing poetry... it is nice, having this time to myself, but I just wish I had my special person with me. And it's nice to know the person is on the other side of the world, looking at the same moon, feeling the same thing. Wow, how very boring my blog would have become to most people who followed it when I was single.

As a sidenote, I forgot to mention the pink stains I managed to put on my (brand new) navy blue jodhpurs by sitting on some bleach I was using to clean the coolboxes... only discovered them when I got home and undressed as no one told me about them the whole day. Hmm... fun times.

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