Thursday 3 November 2011

Beware of the teef

Had my first staff meeting today, the most alarming part of which was our conversation about "untrustworthy" types hanging about for the right opportunity to swoop n steal. Or as people in the Caribbean put it, "teeves". So funny for me and my Queen's English.

Apparently crime is on the rise here in St Maarten - yippee - so we must all be vigilant and report any suspect behaviour to the boss. He even said we should be aware at all times on the trail, as guys could leap out from the bushes and pull a gun on us, robbing us of our worldly possessions. Except that not many people go on a horseride that ends in the water with their worldly possessions. Still, it put the wind up me. Never thought I'd have to be briefed on highway robbery as a horse guide.

Was pretty busy today, I had 3 rides in total except either I was a shit guide or just lucked-out with my guests. Feel like renaming today Tightass Wednesday. Got just a fraction of what J got - peeved off at that. BUT, on the other hand, I can always tell myself that that money will just be spent on me next time we go out, right? So essentially, that money will come back to me, in a way, right?

Thursday is my day off, so that means hopefully chatting with my boy, doing some housework and heading to the beach. Nothing major. Just wanna get some sun time on the sand. Don't have anyone to go with so it'll just be me and my book. Unfortunately my iPhone is still locked so I can't even use the iPod on that. Boo. I hope it gets fixed at some point, so I don't have to lug around my laptop everywhere.

So, given I have tomorrow off, I just sat around in my apartment (room.... studio... dwelling) downing the rest of the 6 pack I had in the fridge then heading to the nearby supermarket for another.... only to come back having spent almost all my measy tips from today. Now I have $2 to enjoy my day off. But at least I have beer. And in hindsight, this is kinda like my night out. So woot woot to me!

The Sheriff was at the supermarket again with his reggae playing, the other night I saw him busting a move next to his pickup... haha, only in the Caribbean. The gross, fat guy that greets me with, "Hey beautiful" every time I shop (I think he works there, not sure what he does??) asked if I was to be enjoying these beers alone. Yes, I was. Oh, and the security guard reminded me I hadn't given him my number. Yes, that's right, I haven't, and I won't be because I have a boyfriend. These people...

Now it's just me, my laptop and all its memories. No internet, just memories. Oh, and the mac n cheese dish I've craved since my workmate talked about it earlier today. I think I'll be pretty sweet. Mmm, mac n cheese. And beer.

Actually, I lie. I made besties with the neighbour's cat and thoroughly enjoyed watching her slowly manouver her way around my room with cat-like trepidation... Good to have some neutral company, at least. And with the background lightening putting on a show for this lonely little lady... Oh, how sad my life has become, thriving from feline company...

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