Tuesday 8 November 2011

5 hours riding = several cold beers

Ahh, relaxing... kicking my heels up... drinking an ice-cold beer... a far cry from the day that preceded such activity. From 9am it was go go go, me first on a 2-hour ride then 1-hour and another 2-hour. Back to back. That's 5 hours in the saddle. Not only that, but 2-hour rides here are not as simple as they seem because they just do not have the land for 2 hours of riding. It involves skill, much motormouth ability and some creative path-taking to trick the bastards into thinking they haven't already been on that trail before.

Luckily, I had a 7-year-old girl on the first one that I could get off the horse and take to the water's edge to look for seashells and coral pieces. That wasted a bit of time. But every other time I stopped to give some information of the island from a nice vantage point, she got bored after about 30 seconds and wanted to keep going. Shut it, girl, I'm stealing minutes here! haha

But in between it all, I had a bite to eat and a drink on the house, and afterwards, got let off an hour early as the 2 other guides were doing all the feeding and it saved me getting overtime for the hour lunch break I didn't take. Hey, I'm not complaining, I'd rather the early mark as it gives me time to chill in the afternoon sun, have some beers and catch up on my emails. And catch the glorious sunset that my work proffers every day...

Had a brief briefing (guess that's why they call it a brief, hey) about tomorrow's busy schedule and who was riding which horse. The first ride of the day had the maximum of horses, 27, so all the extras were pulled out. They needed some more guide horses so we were handed out some new ones - I was picked to ride the boss wife's steed. Big compliment, methinks!! Some people have been here years and never ridden him. Hope I do him justice.

Been thinking lately about my time so far on the island... reflecting, if you may. Seems I really love living here in the day and in the night, I wanna go home. I can guess why that may be, but it makes it difficult sometimes. I know some people who would jump at the chance for me to come home early, but I really do enjoy my job (when it's not a living sauna) and I would be disappointed in myself if I went home early. I need to re-book my flight by the end of the year so that is decision time. Unless I wanna pay to change them again. Ho hum, sometimes I hate making decisions.

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