Tuesday 24 August 2010

Sneaky Romanian bastards

I'll begin this post with one of the funniest and most Romanian stories I've heard so far. According to my interpretation of Romanian (which I admit is not always the best), apparently the 4 that went off to trek overnight somewhere needs 2 more bridles to be brought tomorrow morning because as they were having a beer in some village with their horses eating grass nearby, someone stole 2 of their bridles. Cheeky little monkeys!! So I'm going to go with a worker (the non-gypsy) and get the proper story. Gotta say, I'm pretty interested as to how it all happened. But that's Romania for ya!

Other than that, there's been plenty to do today. I woke up later than planned because Sasha, the dog that sleeps with us usually, didn't go with E to the other house, she just kept sleeping. So I knew she was there and assumed the others weren't awake, but she was just being lazy. Regardless, I helped get the horses ready, saw the 4 off for their horse trek, breathed a sigh of relief that I wasn't one of them (just yet), and jumped on a horse to lead more back to the herd with E separately. She had 2 and I had 1 but he kicks more and hers were friends so it made sense. She did well anyway, having not led many horses while on horseback before. Little trooper she is! Found the shepherd boy, his pregnant 15 yr old gf and some friends kicking about in the stream... what a life!

Anyway, so we did that, then came back to help the boss' wife pack to go to the campers (luxury max might I add, all I'd need is a saddle bag but anyway...), then E left with her and I was left to sweat my entire bodily capacity of water onto the sofa. Dammit it was hot, or forte cald as they say here.

Early evening I ventured out and got Myastoza from the paddock. So far I'd taught her to drink from the trough, eat an apple (yeah you didn't think horses needed teaching for these things did you??) and now I was preparing her to ride. I know the good shepherd boy rode her over here but I don't think she was well behaved, he didn't really want to ride her back again and was really happy I suggested taking another one and leaving her here.

After a walk through the village with her saddled and me walking, I was game to try it properly and jumped on. After a lap around the yard I was keen to go out, so I quickly rescued an escapee horse (on foot), jumped back on to the amazement of the gypsies (yes, I rock) and rode off into the beautiful full moon sunset. Fuck, this place in surreal sometimes. She was really well behaved and I look forward to riding her again :) Definitely the most beautiful horse I've ridden so far here - Lipizzaner/Heavy X, dapple grey. Will post a photo.

Had another dream with the shepherd boy in it last night.... sheez, this is not good news. It is so fun to have someone to flirt with though. I think he's gonna get on one of the stallions tomorrow who I hear is a bit mental so that will be awesome to see. I'll have my camera... who knows, if all goes well we could be riding off hand in hand to the forest watching deer bound by... ok I really need to get laid.

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