Monday 23 August 2010

Don't fuck with Mcgyver

Today was interesting. Firstly, because it was the first time I had a fight with my boss. Also, I literally pulled a Mcgyver when I freed a horse that was about to break its neck from an awkward position in the stable by pulling my newly purchased knife from my pocket and cutting its lead rope. Oh yes, I did. Already got my £2 worth fo shizzle.

But yes, I did have a row with my boss. Because he was being a douche and tried to take his frustration out on me when they couldn't catch a colt in the yard to inject it with some antibiotics (it had been kicked I think and ripped some of its skin off a hind leg). Starts saying something about taking the horses back we're meant to work with cos we haven't done anything yet. I fire back asking when exactly he wanted us to do it - in between breathing and blinking our eyes???

You've all realised my recent frustration about the workload and I guess our attempt yesterday of half an hour of calmness via my homemade facial routine (pretty good, if I do say so myself...) came down to laziness or something of the sort. Anyway, his apology came in the form of him trying to explain himself afterwards in a more calm tone and giving me the opportunity to point out that we have done everything he's ever asked and if we'd said 'no, we're working the horses' instead of helping with paying guests, he'd probably have not been too happy.

Now I don't want to paint him as a complete bastard but I do not accept being yelled at - in front of guests too - and accused basically of being lazy when all us 3 have doing nothing but try to be helpful whenever we could. Of course, the other 2 didn't say anything when all this was going down but I didn't expect them to. They were a little upset and shaken afterwards which is understandable, they do work their butts off. I was also upset but more fired up and angry - I swear I would have gone apeshit if the guests weren't there. Instead, it probably worked out for the better because I had time to calm down and form a better response.

Anyway, rant over. I'm off to have another glass of wine, sans said boss.

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