Monday 2 August 2010

Last day... and the guests are almost gone

Final day of trekking and I'm glad. I don't know how I would've survived the whole week like E did. My knees are not what they used to be. Thank you netball. So we rode a little more, stopped off at a random town for a beer (I seriously contemplated letting the annoying guest's horse loose "by accident") and headed for home. Annoying guest of course couldn't control his horse and so she went off trotting at every chance, to find better grass to eat, and in the end I snapped and said, "Can't you hear a horse back here having a coughing fit and you can't keep your horse under control - sort it out!" Just breathe.

We came back to no housemaid so us girls made the food and tidied a little. Soon after we found out, on pay day, that several of the gypsies were to be fired for laziness etc - including the housemaid - so I'm hoping H doesn't think he's got 3 housemaids in us girls. Grrr.

Annoying guest left the next morning - ce la vie! - and we set about moving the horses from the house stables to the herd in the paddock. Fun times - we just sat in the back of the trailer, tied a couple of horses on to lead and they followed in a roundabout way. Then H bogged us on the way back, and of course being female we could offer no helpful suggestions so I just took photos of the dilemma to remind them of their male stupidity at a more suitable later date.

Not as annoying guest left the morning after as I went out with the next door neighbour to give her her first horseride since childhood, which didn't exactly go as planned. I'll detail that in the next blog. My hands are sore from all this catch-up typing...

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