Sunday 29 August 2010

Shepherd stations and killer mozzies

Well, I know I haven't written in the last 5 or so days but I have been quite busy with the guests so do accept my apologies. While the boss was away with the guests on a trek on Wednesday, I rode Myastoza again with L which was good. We went on a trail that ended up taking longer than expected, and on the way back our horses took their sweet-ass time getting home because we were riding away from the herd. Meanwhile, we were getting bitten ALIVE by mozzies and I was about to actually go insane before L had the idea of trotting past n making my horse go faster. It was horrid.

Anyway, when we got back they'd almost finished dinner so we hurried through and then retired to bed. The food is delicious here, B is an amazing cook it's like being in a restaurant every night. Can't argue with that.

The next day L set out with the guests and E, the shepherd boy and I went on a short ride on Myastoza, E on Vivke bareback cos of saddle sores and shepherd boy on Camilla (or Camillo), a beautiful bay stallion. I was quietly surprised at how well behaved he was (the stallion more than the shepherd boy, who was blabbering incoherent sounds at the back most of the time just cos he could) and there were no bucking or rearing scenes. Bummer. I'll post a photo of the 2 after this.

On our return, we packed the car for the next night of camping out - this time at a shepherd station with the shepherds, their multitude of dogs, a herd of sheep and the shepherd man who looked 24 (but was actually 18) and had a 13 YEAR OLD girlfriend!!! What a life she has mapped out for her... pregnant by 14 methinks. With H in a shitty mood from a painful shoulder and arm, I was expecting guns fired when he arrived and realised I'd forgotten all the most important things but it turns out I hadn't done too badly and the thing I'd forgotten - which was the most important since apparently it was payment for staying at the station - was the rakiyo (ie hideous clear alcohol of about 45%). And that was fetched by the worker while we relaxed with all the things I hadn't forgotten to bring. I still woke up the next day with a head full of little things I realised I hadn't packed though...

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