Sunday 29 August 2010

Horse trek #2 - caput!

After a surprisingly comfortable sleep in a tent next to the shepherds' station (pic to follow), we set out for another trek towards the UNESCO village we stayed at last time with the pastor, his wife and cute little boy. Again, their service was great as was the food, and I gave myself time to contemplate buying cute little hand-knitted socks the next morning. Seems they charge through the nose for any hint of tourist opportunity. And yes, I could've bought some and supported local custom but they were really expensive (for what they were)!

The day's ride wasn't too stressful, not more than 4 hours in the saddle, and again the scenery is just beautiful. I haven't ever really explained what it's like to ride in Romania but imagine neverending fields of grass, lucerne, corn etc framed by bush of all densities sporting an array of shrubs and trees that shield the burning sun and shelter serene bush tracks. Sometimes we pass by fruit trees which are full of ripe fruit at the moment, and we pick some off to eat as we ride. It's probably the best riding country I have ever been in.

The following day, post-pastor, we hit the trails expecting a long ride ahead but it didn't seem at all too bad. The sun was out again in full steam and for some reason I chose to take the track beside the forest not inside so I got plenty of opportunity to top up my tan. Also got an opportunity to bolt up some hills which is always welcome. Goody was a good boy for me.

Finally got home and realised it was indeed Saturday... the gypsies left punctually because they had a local bday party to attend at the hall a few metres up the road. I was itching to check it out, I haven't seen much local gypsy custom in full force here and in all honesty, I do miss the ol' discotheque. So I donned my high school rebel hat and took a left to the hall instead of right to the guesthouse when we left... and it was a choice well made. I think I need a new post to explain it all...

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