Sunday 15 August 2010

RIP little kid :(

So today I was milking the mum goats and when I popped my head over the gate of the holding pen we have separated the other 3 kids into, I saw that the male was lying in the corner not breathing. Poor little thing :( It's been terribly hot here so we think maybe he just couldn't hack it - there was water and food and shade so I don't know what else would have happened. There's not even any blood. So the dogs will be eating well tonight!

There was a major breakthrough made with the boss' wife last night. I stayed up talking and drinking with her, and it turns out she really, really likes having me here (even though of the month I've now been here she's only seen me in action for 3 days) and has thought highly of me from the first email I sent. Not sure why she is so impressed by me but I must be doing something right! Something about being a powerful, strong, direct woman - you know, all my greatest qualities that do not at all mean I'm actually stubborn, selfish and bossy :)

Anyway, this led to her offering me their house in Hungary to stay if I wanted to live there for a while (about 45 mins on the train from Budapest), or staying in their place in Holland on an expensive island somewhere, and of course to come back and stay as long as I want here. I would like to, after I check out this other place in Romania and the Slovenian ranch, but it would be nice to get paid for it. Otherwise my money will run out. And I still want to go to South Africa. But since it's hot there pretty much all the time, I don't think it matters what month I go.

We just came back from our first ride with the new guest, who we all thought was going to be about us girls' age but turns out is probably over 70! Seems email isn't such a great sensor for these things. But what a trooper!

t has been stinking hot the last few days and today is no exception. We found the best spot yet for swimming yesterday so I think we will head there once we find some energy and maybe L stops wanting to throw up from some bug she's just gotten... poor bub! Mmmm just thinking about that water makes me yearn... I don't even care if there's another dead animal smell there again today. Actually, yes I do care but fuck it, it's dead, what more can it do to me?

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