Monday 9 August 2010

...And she didn't spill a bail!!

Nothing too exciting happened today. After taking the young'uns for a ride (they went well, meanwhile my horse decided to try and roll on me with no notice and then had me chasing her for a while before she broke the reins and gave up), we came back for what we hoped was lunch and another ride on different horses.

The reality was that the gypsies needed help with the hay (now, not after eating, apparently) and so I grabbed a carrot, jumped on the cart with L and E and headed for the fields. Thankfully, I was re-assigned my position in the driver's seat and so didn't have to heave hay bails into the trailer. The poor Swedish girls though, bless them, they were trying so hard but in the end the young boys helping with the bailing had to come in and use their muscles. Though I gotta say, it was nice to see some flexing of young, taut, tanned muscle for a change! Oh, I need to get laid :P

Driving the overloaded trailer back to the homestead, I managed to navigate the hideous roads once again but this time, did not spill a bail (last time I lost one which we picked up later on). I was rewarded by not having to help with putting the bails into the shed, more hideous work, and settled myself into housewife mode by cooking dinner for the hardworking Swedes. Got a recipe off the internet for the ingredients I had at hand, and it turned out quite nice, even if I do say so myself. The plates were clean, nevertheless.

We've cleaned up in anticipation for H and B's return, though it's getting late and they're still not here. Who knows if they'll make it tonight. We're all a bit curious and a little skeptical about the wife, who none of us have met in person yet. Will she be nice? A bitch? Demanding? Demure? It will interesting to tip the scales with the dominant female of the house back in town. Oh well, if it all gets too much for me, I've got about three more places to go to afterwards!!

The bruise which was creeping around my lower arm for some time has finally started to subside, although I think it's poor cousin, Sir Smaller Bruise, is trying for the territory. Regardless, my fingernails (freshly painted) are already full of dirt again and my skin does have that she's-been-out-a-working look to it. Excellent.

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