Wednesday 11 August 2010

Milking the goats, dodging crazy drivers - time for a smoothie!

It's all hands on deck here - when you want something done, you gotta do it yourself.

Take, for instance, the shopping. It don't matter that the drivers in this country will overtake you with a 10t truck coming the other way (you just need to move over) or vice versa, I'll brave the crazy roads to get me some more yoghurt.

If we want more milk, gosh darnit we'll go milk the goat across the road. Gotta say, I've never milked an animal smaller than a cow before and in some ways it's easier not having the risk of a flying clove-hoof to the head, but it's also a little difficult maneuvering my stubby little fingers around such a small teat. Yes, I hear you all saying, but you've had so much practice. Ha ha. You're all comedians. Time for a banana smoothie (hand whipped of course, we don't have fancy schmancy electric beaters round these parts).

So I've got still more to add to the CV - good work, pat on back. In other news, the boss and his wife have still not returned. It's day 10 now, I've only spoken to them when I've called about a wounded animal, and they've not tried to call us once. Which means they either entirely trust us or are just irresponsible people. Probably a little of both. But we're all getting a bit antsy at the fact we've a) been left to run this farm with little instruction and/or experience, b) we've just run out of money, c) we've no idea if the horses we're working on are meant to be trained or if we're wasting our time and d) the horse is still mega lame and swollen, something needs to be done.

I hate the waiting game.

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