Friday 20 August 2010

Chill time, if only for half a day

Well, the Dutch family has come and gone, and I'm already 1000% more relaxed. The village streets were absolutely empty when I went to the post office (which was closed, by the way, not sure when it was actually last open) and I can finally breathe my own air. The four young girls in the family were actually OK, I got along with them quite well and it was surprisingly easy to entertain them. Maybe I do have some maternal instinct buried in there somewhere.

Yesterday I organised for one of the Swedish girls to take the solo guest on a separate ride because she politely declined a second day of riding with the family. Don't blame her, I wouldn't want three little girls yelling 'faster faster' in my ear if I'd come for a couple of weeks of chillout time. Instead, I still had to listen to 'faster faster' in my ear and try to drown it out with my own wild imagination. Didn't always work. Turns out the guest really liked it and gave the Swedish girl money on the side for her efforts. Which was sweet.

Woke up today not really in the mood to go on a trail, I feel overworked and tired, and just need a break. Was thinking of going into Brasov today to pick up the 99p iPod shuffle charger I bought from eBay that they refuse to deliver locally (grr), but I've ended up just chilling out in the cool lounge room gently washing the cat. She's still weak with her back legs but seems to be improving slightly each day.

What isn't improving is the lack of men to look at here. I seriously mentally slap myself in the brain every time I catch myself flirting with the shepherd boy. Is this what I've been reduced to???? Heavy.

Sat down with the girls last night and tried to plan what to do next. I think I'll stay here for another week and then head to the other place, although I'll wait to hear more about the horses I'll be working with before committing to a certain period there. If they're rogue beasts I'll need more time that I don't necessarily want to give, so I'll just give some pointers and leave, whereas if I can get on them at some stage, it will be more enjoyable and the Swedes can come along and we can all ride together. I dunno, it's still a bit too much for my brain, even when I hadn't down a couple bottles of wine like last night.

All this writing's made me tired. I'll think I'll go rest with the cat. Shit, I only have about 10 mins before I have to get the horses in for another guest ride this afternoon.... and so it begins again.

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