Tuesday 31 August 2010

Rain eases the pain

OK, so I spoke too soon last night. Just after I posted that blog about giving ourselves the day off, we were summoned to help the gypsies with hay bales (my favourite, ooooohhhh how I love the hay....) but luckily that didn't take too long. I was just 2 sips into my beer when it happened. Afterwards, I was another 2 sips into my second beer when we were asked to help with mucking out the stables, another favourite pastime of mine.

I've still not been talked to about the party on Sat night and I doubt I will, given I've now told them this Sat will be my last night before heading off to the other place. I have been told, however, that my favourite little gypsy boy will be getting the boot on Monday because he's been covering up for the others or something. I think he's one of their best workers - yes, I'm a little bias - but he's good with the horses and works hard. Anyway, I'm not gonna get involved. I just feel sorry for the poor lad. And I'm about to leave too. What a week he'll have haha.

Today the miserable weather returned with a vengeance - it seems they were right when they said it literally changes overnight from summer to winter here. I'm cold!!! We're helping with the grass and maybe taking some horses back to the herd afterwards, although I'm not sure that will be possible given how much grass we have to transport and the number of daylight hours left in the day. I'm not particularly liking today and so that makes leaving easier. Rain makes things boring and harder to escape the boss when he's in a bad mood. Also, the boss' wife smokes inside and that annoys me too. I say that now because it's drifting into my face as I type *insert crude coughing noise here*

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