Monday 30 August 2010

Our 'day off'

Sunday is rest day for pretty much everyone in Romania, which includes my boss and his wife apparently, as us girls were sent on a mission to Sibiu to drop the last guest off at the airport and do the shopping. What they didn't count on was the fact we all desperately needed time off ourselves and it was all we could do to stop ourselves falling asleep standing up all day.

Anyway, I managed somehow to drive the 1.5 hours to and from the airport, and arrange us 3 into some kind of working order in the supermarket (we had the combined mental and physical strength of 1 person), and wanted to collapse into bed when we got home, only to remember they were entertaining friends that night so we had to of course be part of the entertainment. I was too tired even to be good entertainment - now you know that's a bad sign!

It ended up being pretty funny actually, as one of the guests was the old head of police that now pimps himself out as private police hire or something and is apparently loaded... well, he's insane and took a liking to me, so spent the evening being all flirty and silly in Romanian, in front of his wife who like all the other women partners over here, just sat there unmoved by the whole episode. It must just be something Romanian men do here! But anyway, he promised to take L and I swimming and sightseeing in Brasov tomorrow so we'll see if that happens. He also wants me to go and break in his 2 feral horses in the paddock but I'm not sure I'm keen on that... for several reasons.

After L got drunk (for the first time since being here - she doesn't drink but was too tired to have a quick reaction when crazy man topped up her glass repeatedly) and I had a few glasses too, we retreated back to the guesthouse and had a good lie-in til late the next morning.

Today we went for a ride, me on Myastoza again, and took the nice sunny, but windy weather to rest atop a mountain with some sambos while conveniently avoiding helping the gypsies with the hay baling back at the homestead. That's our version of a day off.

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