Friday 28 October 2011

Alone in the Strong Morals Society

I stepped out my front door today to a sudden downpour - gotta love the tropics - and quickly retreated inside until it eased off. Not only to save my laptop from being ruined, but also to try and find my way around the instantly flooded streets. I swear, a few minutes of rain and I need to rent a kayak. Some drainage system they have here!

Ran into the 3 cheeky guides on horseback heading somewhere to exchange horses, all excited about the ride ahead. I gotta say, I wish I was with them! They're good value. They came back later with 3 new horses, all happy about their adventure. Meanwhile, I was dodging rainstorms and taking out non-tipping guests. Such is life.

Nothing that extraordinary happened today. I found the annoying guide a little less annoying and think, if we keep our boundaries, that I could actually not mind working with him. Kept joking around with the others, though, and went on a "get to know the trails" ride where I tried to absorb as much from I about the local flora and fauna.

Had a bit of a run around getting the horses back in too. I was on Muneca (doll in Spanish), who tried her darndest to keep up with Ritchie but was just too little. Bless her. Came down to the farm and pulled aside immediately by our boss, who reminded us that my horse was PREGNANT (did NOT know that) and that we should perhaps curtail the frantic dashing around, particularly when guests are wandering around. Apparently one lady dove into the kids playground when she saw us coming!

Happened upon some ducklings hatching today, pretty special moment seeing the little guys scrambling about all wet and with bits of egg on their heads. Hopefully they will all still be there in the morning, we've told the night watchman to be on guard for cheeky mongoose sharpening their claws nearby.

Participated for the first time in the weekly lessons, as last week's was canceled. Was looking forward to honing my skills and identifying my weak spots. I discussed with R which horse to take, and while he suggested I start with something a little easier, I asked for something a little more energetic and challenging, so Seductor it was.

Now this is the horse who was up on 2 legs before I'd left the stable last time, so I was determined to set things right. I will be boss. But true to form, he was very well behaved and while not the easiest horse I've ridden, was definitely better than I expected. I think if I keep using him we will both improve week on week. I even got compliments on how relaxed we both were with each other by R.

As I chugged down my out-of-date juice tonight (gotta watch it here, things get sold already past!) in the kitchen, I was asked to a wake across the road. Now I don't know if that qualifies as a date, but either way WEIRD. That same neighbour, just as I was typing that, just tried to corner me into going to the movies on the weekend with him. It got to the point where I just said, "I'm sorry I'm not going to the movies with you at any point." Get the message. Fuck, I even made sure my computer screen showed A and he even said, "Is that your boyfriend?" I swear it was in the same breath he started asking me out. Do these people have NO respect??

Today it was suggested that I "have a boyfriend here and a boyfriend there". Well, when you say it like that, how can it NOT be logical?? There's just one problem: I don't wanna ruin my chance of being happy with the person I love, now do I? Sheesh. Next!

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