Monday 24 October 2011

Suicide driving

Thank FUCK I am out of that car. Now there is driving like an idiot, then there is the Caribbean. I had been warned, but to actually be in the passenger seat while a guy I thought was a pretty sweet, laidback kinda person... let me tell you, they must store all their hectic energy away so they're totally calm all day until they get behind the wheel.

I don't know if he was trying to impress me, or what, but from the moment I stepped into my neighbour's hire car, I was scared. Scared for my life, scared for his, scared for the other drivers (equally as mad) and scared for the pedestrians. Running at full speed up the ass of another car, only to slam on the brakes an inch before impact, soaring over useless speed bumps, winding along bendy stretches with one hand protectively hovering over the handbrake - should the need arise.

So my first Saturday night out was a bit of a letdown. The driving put a bit of a downer on the night. That, and the fact his Jamaican accent was so strong it was like we spoke 2 different languages, and also the fact that his "tour of the town" turned out to be just one bar, and just us 2. Oh, and let's not forget the music - reggae of course - but Christmas music in reggae?? How can that be passable, even at Christmas time?

We tried to go pick up his uncle's girlfriend, but when we got to her apartment, there was a blackout so she couldn't finish getting ready (she came out to greet us in a towel) so we cruised over to another club, only to find it closed til 11. As was the other club we tried. So the only one we ended up going to - twice - was next to the low-flying airport, which was pretty cool to sit at and watch the planes land. Even at night, you could see how clear the water is.

I didn't have much cash, so luckily he was a gentleman and paid for a couple of drinks, but at the risk of him letting me get drunk and also due to a funny tummy after the drinks, I stopped drinking after that. Around this time I also felt quite tired, and it all seemed a bit pointless. I couldn't stop thinking about my boy, and the more this boy tried to be nice, it just seemed he wanted to keep me out to keep feeling like we were on a date.

We even spoke about my boyfriend, he brought it up first - must've seen my glum face staring out the window - but I was not going let him get close, even in "friend" terms. His performance in the car severely lowered my opinion of him, and several things he said also furthered distanced him from me mentally. It is hard to make conversation with someone who openly admits they love Celine Dion and Kenny Rogers - and doesn't understand why I laugh at him.

Lucky he works at the hire car company, so he didn't waste the money on that. Bless him for trying, and to be fair the town was DEAD tonight, but.... next time it's group socialising or nothing! Too much effort!

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