Monday 17 October 2011

Sick in the air

I know now. AA is not code for American Airlines, it is code for Absolute Ass. They charged me for a second bag (but at least it was all the way to St Maarten and not 2 separate charges) then make me wait in line at the gate again to get assigned a seat. What's the deal? It's not possible to do that task during check-in or just let people seat themselves? Works for EasyJet.

Anyway, so I'm the last to be assigned a seat and after walking the entire length of the plane, I jam myself in next to an unsurprisingly large fellow and his equally large wife, or sister, how am I to know... they're all just so large. On the bright side, it makes me feel quite the slim'un.

After a brief sleep pass-out situation, I wake feeling a bit clammy and start to get anxious. Was something in that mammoth meal making me sick?? Now freaking out on a plane is never a good thing, so before I know it I'm downing a glass of water and stumbling to the toilet, conveniently located right behind me at the back of the cabin. On the floor, head over bowl, all sorts of memories flashing before me, I am just trying to calm myself down and either vomit or not vomit - just make a decision!

With no vomit forthcoming, I try other methods of extraction - successfully - and sit there sweating and almost hyperventilating as the seatbelt sign flashes. Great, another bumpy flight. What is it about the US flight path these days??

The flight was only about 4 hours 20, but I managed to make it feel like an eternity with my little sick stunt, continuing thoughts/worries/fantasies/nightmares about my boy back in Oz and also the fact I lost the nice ribbon belt to my dress in my near-vomit experience. Managed to find it on the way off the plane, though - crisis averted.

I catch a glance at my fellow passenger's itinerary and it seems they're on my next flight, too. My first look at potential customers on the island, and it's pretty grim. Not so much for my worry-sick boyfriend but for me. If they're not fat, they're old, or worse, both. Can't even window shop. Ho hum.

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