Thursday 20 October 2011

Letting out my inner black woman

I'm wet. My trousers are soaking. And it's 7pm. I ALMOST got away with not being wet today. But the little bastard J took the final "Honeymoon ride" (where couples get 2 hours of riding, champagne, sunsets and roasted marshmallows) into the water in the dark. I mean, I love riding in the water but it's madness, sheer madness, to do it after the sun goes down. But wait a minute, this place is sheer madness. I guess I'll just sit around all wet while I watch the boys have their weekly lesson from the boss.

The ladies have their lesson tomorrow. Apparently you learn some of the Spanish style, can't remember what it's called, but the boss hopes to teach everyone enuf to have some kind of show at some stage. Still a while off, though...

I kept losing my socks today - no, correction, just one sock. It kept getting blown away, dropped, carried away by a dog. Just a random observation.

Was so tired by the time I got home that I pretty much just showered, read a little and went to sleep. Slept all the way through again, well kinda was woken by the crazy early chickens but good enuf. I think I'm back in the right timezone again.

The next morning I had another encounter with M, the old man who lives in the same apartment as me. He is ultra possessive with his things, which are "OVER HERE, YOU SEE? YOU CAN'T BE USING THESE OK?? IT'S VERY IMPORTANT." Oh, also which is your shelf in the fridge?? Now fair enuf if the fridge was being used regularly by everyone, but there is NOTHING in there. A couple of packaged fishes, and a bottle of water. I am the first one to actually use it for my food. So I told him, OK that shelf right there with my things on it, yep that's my shelf. Fucking idiot.

So I have a few pots n plates for general use, maybe I can buy some cheap things to complete my dining experience from the $1 shop, and bring them back and label them JEN'S THINGS, DO NOT TOUCH, PERSONAL SPACE, PROPERTY, ALL THAT JAZZ." Fucking idiot.

But I have decided to stick around in that apartment, considering how cheap it is. To get somewhere else would be more than double the rent, and really, it is fine for what I need. 6 months there would be no dramas I don't think. And at least I know the landlords (my bosses!) and if there's any problems I can count on them. The place is kept really clean by the tenants and I just have one bedroom to keep clean so that's easy enuf.

At my second day of work I began learning about office duties, which I found out I will have a couple of days a week. Hopefully not TOO much, but when it is busy I hear they want guides more than office help, so hopefully that means I'll be sent out with the rides. And at least it means no heavy lifting for me. The boys can do all that. Love the traditional way of thinking around here. But it also means less tips for me on the days I'm in the office, so I need to watch my pennies. I don't think I'll be making quite as much as I hoped while over here, so whatever I do after this, it'll be to work. On a yacht, back home, whatever. Gotta worrrrk for da money!!! So in THAT sense, I'm not seeing myself working past high season, March-April, or at least after Carnivale. Can't leave just before Carnivale month.... haaeeellll no!

Speaking of "da money", I am LOVING this Caribbean accent!! It's awesome! All those times I've spoken like an angry black woman in jest, well it's all been training for now. I can talk like that and people don't even think I'm putting on a silly accent haha... gold. Wonder if I'll come back with a new accent, that would be hilarious.

Anyway, gonna head off now to eat some more DELICIOUS island food (that was sarcasm there), something fried in something... never really know what is started out as or what it is on my plate. At least now I have discovered I can have salad instead of fries. Being healthy is not that easy here. Especially when I get staff beers for $1. Sweet jesus they taste good at the end of the day...

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