Wednesday 19 October 2011

Slowest first day ever

Starting to get into the swing of things here, at least socially. My first non-date with a guy I met last night took me to La Bamba, a couple of beaches along, where it was pretty packed with people dancing salsa and later reggaeton. I was a little tired as I stayed awake for him to pick me up about 10:45, but the main reason for going out was to get back in the right timezone and not toss n turn cos I went to bed too early. Got a chance to clean out my laptop a bit more and make some more room on my hard drive - boring but necessary work!!

Every second person seemed to be a friend of L-I, so I met lots of people, including one Venuzualan chap sitting in his car. I did wonder why he was sitting in his car while there was a packed beach club just next door, then someone walked up and said, "Are you J-J? Uh, yeah, just wanted to pick up a 50." Ahhh, so that's why.

We smoked some of his good shit and then went to the club, had a drink and another smoke, and by that stage I could manage a few moves on the dancefloor before I retired for the night. L-I walked me home, luckily since there were some backstreets and I felt a great deal safer with a big, black man next to me. Don't feel entirely trusting of the nighttime scene here, to be honest. And being warned by a local not to walked within several metres of the road at night is also kinda indicative of the skills of the drivers around here.

I managed to get to the supermarket yesterday but it was so late that the phone card shop was closed, so that will have to wait for another day. So this is what it's become... the security guard at the supermarket hit on me, then a couple of customers, then the guys at the phone shop, then some locals on the street... today it was a few more on my way to work (the way being a 10 minute walk, which this week was shortened by a lift from someone I thought I worked with but who actually works at the power plant - ahh faces!!)... yep, they're coming at all angles.

To be honest, I think it's really the hair doing it, and my fair skin. They probably jump at anything that looks different. And the boyfriend card doesn't stop many of them. I will literally need to start saying, "I am just not interested."

I got home before 1am so I got a good few hours sleep before getting up for work, it was actually the first time I slept through the roosters crowing from 4am and the dogs and the heat and the light and the jetlag... woot! My plan worked!

My boss, R, was surprised I was going to work so early but I thought everyone started at 7am and I need to get into the swing of things asap so why not? The cruise ships were meant to come today but they're postponed til tomorrow so as a result, there has been next to nothing to do today. I took the youngsters, Regalata and Chico, for some training in the nice big arena they've got here. Both were well behaved but I think I prefer Chico - he has more spirit. Tiny horse, though, really is. I feel like I'm breaking his back.

The good thing about Chico was I'd been told he's a handful and often bucks, but he was fine with me and I felt like he was learning just in the short time in the boiling sun. I've met a couple of lovely girls here today too, which is great since I really need to be steering away from the sleazy men that just don't seem to get the picture. I know my poor boy is sweating away (even more than me in this heat!) hearing about the guys swarming around me, but fear less babycakes I only have eyes for you.

It has been 3 days since I arrived and I am getting a feel for this island, although haven't seen much of it yet. Hopefully the girl who does the rosters, R, will roster me off with her and we can go together to the French side which is said to have the prettiest beaches. Yay! Need to ask my boss to pay me day by day, or week on week for the short term. I really don't want to use all the money in my Aus account because it's good to pay my credit card and as a backup. Also thinking about not bothering to find another place to stay - it's fine where I am now, I just hope the old man who lives across the way doesn't keep pressing to take me to church one time. I think I really upset him this morning when I politely said church wasn't really my thing...

Anyway, I am writing this on my extended lunch break so I guess I better put my shoes back on and really try to at least look like I'm not blagging. Not that I have anything to do at the moment...

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