Saturday 22 October 2011

My customers WILL drink in your cab!!

Yesterday I was officially a guide. Not a very good one, apparently, since neither of my rides tipped me a cent, but I guess they were interns and a little girl with a tight father. And they were all Dutch. The rides were fine, I think, just a little short on time as I need to learn to "pad" them out. There isn't a helluva lot of land to go around, so 2 hours is really a stretch, even for a walking-only trail. The only reason we have this land at all is because there's a big gas, electricity, water plant next to us - and no one wants to stay in a resort next to that!

Rode Seductor for the first time, and was warned against his rearing... he was up on 2 legs before I left the stable, and I asked if it was really a safe horse to be guiding 2 beginners. J said it was fine, so I went out. The horse and I had just one argument, he's up on his hind legs again, he wins the argument. I'm not about to fight with him with guests behind me. But it did annoy me that I listened to J against my better judgement.

I'm getting the hang of things here, and was part of my first staff meeting this day also. There was a part I didn't need to be in, so I wonder if they were discussing my progress so far. The meeting was mainly about who gives orders, chain of command kinda thing. I totally agreed with everything R was saying, it was good to see there was a sense of organisation in such a chilled environment, and it got me a little excited that once I got used to the office job, on the days R or the office lady Re was away, I would be managing everyone. Still a little whiles away, though!!

Nearly everyone smokes here. I remember to say that because as I write this, a familiar smell wafts past my nostrils. They're smoking before a ride, they're smoking in their houses, they're smoking outside the clubs... Not that I blame them, it's pretty much the perfect environment for it.

A funny thing happened when we were leaving the park last night. We were about to drive off when we saw the honeymoon couple drinking their Pina Coladas rapidly before getting in their cab. They tell us the cabbie won't let them drink inside the car. Next thing I know R is on the phone yelling at the boss of the cab company, "What asshole you got drivin' your cab, huh? I got a couple just buy Pina Coladas at my place, they can't drink them in the car?? It's cab 136... yeah... yeah... OK, great, make sure it doesn't happen again OK?" Ha! Told him!

I have the WHOLE weekend off, which is awesome except that I don't really have friends here yet! Just work people, and pretty much the whole staff are always on on Saturdays, I'm just new so was surplus this week. Don't know what I'm doing tonight, but I was talking with one of the guys I live with and he said he was going on some boat somewhere. He invited me to come, so - after several rum punches and beers - I eagerly agreed. The next morning I'm wondering what he is indeed doing, but he seems lovely and I know he wouldn't do anything to me cos I work for R and he seems to be held in pretty high regard here so anyone that messes with me messes with him. Or so I hope.

Tomorrow I have been invited snorkelling with J, but I dunno how that's gonna be organised unless I go down to Seaside to talk with him. First, though, I need to clean my room, get some things from the supermarket, find an internet place, get some Crocs (as my brother says, contraception fashion) and finally get a number for this place. Oh, speaking of phones, I have given my iPhone to J's brother and he says it will be unlocked and returned in a couple of days. So hopefully that fixes it and I can use it for the internet as well as a phone. Although having such a good phone here could be a little tempting for thieves. I'll just have to be careful with it. Yeah, right!

That gets me thinking about insurance... dad of course asked me about it, and I do want to get it but I don't know if it's possible while I'm already overseas. Maybe I'll look into it today...

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