Monday 17 October 2011

Parking for small brains only

I woke from my "quick nap" about 6 hours later, all groggy and with my body absolutely refusing to get up... but I forced it, because I knew if I stayed in bed, there would be no hope of ever getting to sleep again. And besides that, in this new timezone, it was about dinner time, right?

With a bit of time before dinner, I freshened up and headed the 50m down the rd to Manhattan Beach to chill on the sand and farewell the last of the sun. Walking past a massive SUV (one of many) parked in a "small cars only" bar, I found a nice place on the beach to watch the goings-on around me (so many Mexicans??) and eventually had the coast guard doing rounds around me and chatting nicely enough about LA et al. Didn't look like Hasselhoff so clearly wasn't interested. Gave me some nice tips about things to do in the "Golden State", though.

Afterwards, I headed back to the house and B and I went out to a Thai restaurant for dinner. I actually finished my meal - what a fatty, considering the size of American meals - while B took his home in a takeaway container. Nice food, though. Bless him, he paid for me too.

On the ride home I was failing miserably at keeping my eyes open in the car, trying desperately not to be rude as B took me the long way home past some nearby hot spots. I wondered where the young kids went out these days, I really would like to see that side of LA once. It really does bore me, this city. If the people aren't morbidly obese, they're fake and thin, and the houses are just as unbelievable. Every girl I walk past sounds like they're from a cheesy sitcom, all "Oh my god, awesome, that is soooo cool, no way, shutup!!" Shudder.

I took myself pretty promptly to bed to get a good kip before a big day of exploring tomorrow, yet found myself waking up just a couple hours later to toss n turn the next several hours and count the clicks on the fan above me. When I finally did fall asleep, I was so tired I slept until almost midday! There goes our early morning adventure.

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