Friday 21 October 2011

Thank fuck it's a screw-top

So this is it. My first official "mood" on the island. You see, I had a lovely day, learning the ropes in the office, helping out on the trails, getting measly but better-than-nothing tips, alles gut. BUT, what I was really looking forward to was the lesson tonight for the laaaadies. My first chance to really get a feel for my new boss and how he likes us to ride. And totally up for brushing up my probably very rusty horseriding skills.

So you can imagine my utter elation when, at the end of the day, we sat discussing a complaint from a customer boarding her horse which ended up canceling the ride. It seems it wasn't fed on time, for several hours she watched actually, and nothing was done. Of course, I knew nothing about the feeding schedules of the animals so I was not to blame. But the 2 guys who looks after that, well they got a bit of a bollocking. But not in a yelling, nasty kinda way - the boss kept his cool and just never wanted it to happen again. And fair enuf too.

No ride. Just home. Off to think about how much I missed my boy and how much in my annoyance I would love his arms around me, cuddling me. Because I was in a MOOD when I walked home last night. Was really hoping no guy decided to say something smart. Cos he gonna get hurt a-reaaalllll bad. Little in-joke there for fans of Russell Peters.

Because not only was I pissed off about the cancelled ride, but when we were letting go all the horses I was twice told to do things that I either didn't understand or didn't want to. Like throwing the bits n bridles on the ground to sort out. Not really the way I like to treat equipment that is on show for tourists every day and also partly goes into a horse's mouth. I had a bit of a mouth-off to one of the guides, then afterwards momentarily thought if I was too harsh, then remembered - no ride. Fuck 'im.

So he saw my first mood. But the good thing 'round here is that guys get scared of girls that have strong personalities. Well, I think so, anyway. So I can speak my mind and they kinda get respect for me. I dunno, I wonder if I'm reading the situation all wrong here and they're actually getting turned on. Or just starting to hate me.

I have never loved screw-tops as much in my life. God only knows if there is a bottle opener here, and indeed whose property it is and whose life I would ruin by using it. Wow, people can be so petty.

So there you have it. My first taste of real island life, in all its glory. And not even a week in. This could get interesting.

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